Originally Posted by
John J. Xenakis
However, this gives to another role playing exercise:
Suppose you were President of the United States, or suppose that
George Bush or Al Gore or John Kerry or whoever is President, and
suppose that the President had read and understood the 4T paradigm,
and believes it to be true. What would he do differently?
Take the invasion of Iraq, for example. Suppose you're President,
and you are certain that a worldwide war and "clash of civilizations"
is unavoidable. Given that belief, is the invasion of Iraq a good
thing or a bad thing? You can argue it either way. On one side, the
invasion of Iraq might speed up the world war, which is bad, or might
exhaust our resources before we really need them, which is also a bad
thing. On the other side, invading Iraq gets rid of one powerful
future enemy, and also pre-positions our forces strategically for the
unavoidable future war.
This is the problem that Cassandra of Troy had. According to the
story, Apollo fell for Cassandra, and gave her the gift of being able
to foretell the future. Then he tried to nail her, but she rebuffed
him, and in revenge he made her gift useless by preventing anyone
from believing her predictions, even though she was invariable right.
Eventually she predicted a full-fledged 4T crisis war: She foretold
that the Trojan Horse would be filled with Greek soldiers. She tried
to tell everyone but no one believed her, and they brought the horse
inside the city walls, and the rest is (mythic) history.