-PW hasn't been paying attention.
...a report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Information confirmed what hundreds of tea party, conservative, pro-life and pro-Israel organizations had long known: The Internal Revenue Service had stopped processing their applications for exempt status and subjected them to onerous, intrusive and discriminatory practices because of their political views...
...Righties were harrased, delayed, had their private information made public, and were made to jump through illegal hoops to jack up the expense of compliance and to hinder their effectiveness. Lefties were not. They were briefly screened, and given an up or down. This was a clear case of the IRS abusing their power for political purposes.
-Uh, the point that you and PW seem to continuously miss is, that's NOT what happened. Otherwise, stuff like this:
...wouldn't have passed muster. The investigations of Righties were NOT designed to see whether an organization fit the standard, but to harass them, run up their bills, and harvest them for intelligence. That is ILLEGAL, and I'm sure that even you would agree that government bureaucrats who abuse their power for partisan purposes should punished. To avoid scrutiny, many have lied. That is an additional reason they should be punished. If you think that should be excused, then you're going to have to make a very intersting argument.
-The upshot is, "Bush Lied, People Died" is shot full of holes (again); it never made any sense anyway.