Go ahead and crush them, is what you're saying?
You answered your own question.
Xer individualism =
Plus that conviction (which Xers share with, I think, Artists, as against Prophets and maybe Civics) that being different makes you *neither better nor worse*, but, "I'll be damned if I ain't just as good!"
*Plus*, Xers who do this usually do so re *their own* or their family's/friends' unusual perspectives.
So it's, "Hi, I (or mine) am *different* from your assumption, and I'll be damned if I'll let you (and the all-encompassing system you're proposing or that your argument may lead to) just crush me/mine!"
No, I agree that it's a pendulum. I'm just saying I don't see the arc of the "individualism pendulum" as necessarily including "Put the Better Person in charge." I just don't see it.
Took me a while but I realized the reason I don't see it is I lack the Prophet (and Civic???) belief that "different has to equal better or worse, it can never just equal just as good." Without that belief, even the *idea* of "one best individual" just doesn't make any sense.
But I agree with you that *Prophets* have that tendency.

I'll look for your analysis.