Boomer political legacy: resistance to the Vietnam, Gulf and Iraq wars sponsored by GIs and Silents. It was Boomers who marched and spoke out against these wars and elected anti-war politicians. It is not a Boomer per se, but a Boomer/Xer cusper who is sponsoring the campaign against the IS.
Boomer political legacy: Support for environmental, consumer and anti-corruption movements that changed America in manifold ways. Boomers created such groups as move-on, and invented netroots campaigns like my once-fellow boomer classmate Joe Trippi did.
Boomer political legacy: the best president of our era, Bill Clinton, who balanced the budget, boosted the middle class and kept us out of war.
Boomer political legacy: Elizabeth Warren, who created an agency that will protect us from financial predators that ruin our economy.
Generational resentment is not the way to reform and guide our country, Mr. Kepi.