Originally Posted by
Eric the Green
If Obama were assassinated today, over half the voters would cheer.
There might be people who saw it as God's Will as retribution for... who knows what? Gay marriage?
The criticism of Barack Obama would cease, even on FoX News Channel. In the absence of the incessant criticism of him people would start to assess what he did as President more than what he was. Maybe even people on the Right would start doing something uncharacteristic of themselves -- some soul-searching.
To be sure, the American electorate of this month on the whole looked foolish at best and scummy at worst.
I remain convinced that Barack Obama is an above-average President. So he stepped on some delicate toes, and the people whose toes he stepped on have gone after him -- tough luck! Any leader does that if he has any capacity. What is one to do -- endorse every extremist, shyster, scammer, and schemer?
The big question is now whether America degenerates into a plutocratic oligarchy like Russia today, a political order that well rewards the well-connected and at best neglects and at worst punishes those not so well connected. Some powerful people have their conception of freedom that implies a restoration of an agrarian order resembling the plantations of the old South and the absolute power of Gilded-style fat-cats in other business. They want to take away the consumer economy and put America back to work as it was 120 years ago -- abysmal pay for long hours of toil under brutal management that begins in childhood and ends when a worker is worn out (and consigned to an early death) in his thirties. Oh, yes -- the environment is something to be ravaged at will so long as such creates or enhances profit.
It gets worse. Plutocratic oligarchies are infamous for militarism. After all, other countries might have resources to be grabbed instead of bought fairly, labor to be consigned to more severe poverty, and the potential for captive markets. War is excellent for exacting taxes on the common man and selling lucrative debt to bankers so that producers of war materiel -- and giving governments the pretext for stifling dissent.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters