Turkey has finally
acted ... against the Kurds.
Look here is the problem in a nutshell.
1. The Kurds want to carve a state out of portions of Syria, Turkey, Iraq and Iran.
2. Arab Shia fundamentalists would like a Shia theocracy in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.
3. ISIS wants to establish a Sunni theocracy in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon.
So you have three groups all desiring to form overlapping states in the same general region. It is impossible for all three to get what they want, and since two of the belligerents are ideological fundamentalists there can be no willing compromise. So there is war. And yes lots of people will die before it gets worked out, because that is what war is about
: people being killed, usually horribly.
And because Iran is itself a Shia theocracy, and Turkey is on the menu, both of these countries have very strong interests in playing a role. And since a lot of Saudis are rich men with nothing to do but mess around with fundamentalist politics they are going to want to mix it up too. Buried in the midst of this is Assad, who is fighting for his life, so he will never surrender.
This will get played out regardless of whether we got involved. But it is likely to be very ugly and the US will get blamed* by the whole world for this ugliness because now we are part of it.
I don't buy Playwrite's
Count Floyd act. I think it is as ridiculous as the original, but not as funny.
As for the various things that have been proposed. One is to provide air cover to the Kurds. Sounds reasonable, but what happens if because of our intervention, the Kurds win? We know Turkey and Iran would find this unacceptable as it might spark civil war in their countries. Besides, what happened the last time the US helped create a new state in this region (i.e. Israel). Do we really want to go there again?
M&L suggests we should destroy the US arms ISIS got from Iraq. Since they are using this weaponry to take Kobani in the face of our air strikes, I don't think we can do this, or at least we are not doing it.
*This blame is key. When I say US involvement benefits ISIS I mean that the US will get the blame for ISIS brutality, allowing ISIS to be brutal with impunity.