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The institutions have to be involved if only in a rejection. But before the existing institutions can be rejected they must be tested and found wanting. Right now Americans do not take the institutional infrastructure of our civilization seriously. Politics is treated as a game where each side backs their team. America goes to war in and whether we win (Gulf) or lose (Vietnam, Iraq) does not matter. American continues on, repeating them over and over, just as the great powers in the 18th and 19th centuries did. We discuss our wars in the most silly way.
The economics of the West have not functioned up to par for some time. In 2008 the economy came close to a collapse, that I believe is parallel to those in 1929 and 1873. Since Americans have conducted the exactly same arguments as happened last time, with the same sides advocating for the same policies (Republicans for austerity and deflation; their opponents for stimulus and inflation) as they did for the last two. Nothing has changed, its like this is the first time.
I suppose you believe this because they have not done so. I would point out that the Greens, the Communists, Socialists, Populists etc. were/are also about maintaining the status quo since they never changed it either. There has never was a party that fit this criterion, so why do you think such an animal exists?
Could this be because the status quo was changed in the past. We had the institution of slavery then was abruptly ended, yet the only party that called for this to happen peaked at less than 1% of the vote in 1840. That slavery should end was never supported by more than a minority of the electoral, yet it happened. Similarly, those who called for the programs of the New Deal never gained more than a few percent support. None of the majority parties ever called for what happened. And yet it did.
The parties have the cash to generate as much publicity as they want. It doesn't not make sense that Democrats pander to get publicity.
What makes sense is they ignore the issues that you want them to address (which gets them no votes) in favor of pandering that you disapprove of (which gets them votes). Kepi, they are a political party. Their PURPOSE is to try to win votes. That is what they do.
You are suggesting is that a political party refrain from doing politics. Really?
Well of course, that is what a 4T is about.
Outside threats don't change institutions, they challenge them, either strengthening them or breaking them. Change occurs from an internal dynamic. We have not had change because most people don't want it.
For Christ's sake, how may times have people here talked about how it doesn't feel like a 4T because their is no WW II-style unifying going on. Unification is rallying around institutions, not changing them. How many people think they problems would be solved if both sides would just work together, or if a third centrist party were to sweep to power and impose common sense reforms. This too is the opposite of change.
The reason why Americans are divided is that what Americans want is mutually incompatible, and what we have right now is good enough.
Of course. What needs to happen is for the status quo to stop looking acceptable for a majority. In 1932 one out of four were out of a job. There was no unemployment. Those people had no income and so lost their homes. They ended up living with relatives or homeless. This happened to my German immigrant grandparents. A wealthy German family took them in, gave them jobs as gardener and domestic, and rented them a small house they owned.
For those who had no families or wealthy benefactors, they ended up homeless living in shanty towns like the favelas in Latin America. People were destitute. It was obvious to all thinking Americans that something was deeply wrong. And yet they entire state of affairs had happened in the space of three years in the richest nation that had ever existed and during a time of peace. It was not like authorities were blindsided. It unfolded right before their eyes and they got advice from the leading experts, yet the medicine they applied did not work.
Life was intolerable for those you had lost their job, or who had a relative who had lost their job and now was living with them. With 25% out of work it stands to reason that a majority of the population was personally affected to a serious degree by the depression. Probably the only time this had ever happened. And so unlike previous downturns (or those afterward) this one gave changes in institutions.
The last time some internal event had seriously impacted the lives of a majority of the electorate had probably been the Civil War. And institutional change happened then.
So far neither the economic downturn nor our wars have seriously impacted a majority. And because of that, Americans can afford to have unserious opinions about what to do. And as long as Americans are unserious about politics then the political parties can continue to win votes by being unserious.
If the problems become serious, then Americans will become serious about the problems. they will lose interest in politicians that continue to offer frivolities, and politicians will offer more serious fare.