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How did the last B-lister (Obama) democrat in the White House turnout? Did he do anything significant for you or your generation?
For all of us:
1. Putting an end to the most dangerous economic meltdown in America since the start of the Great Depression. I have shown the chart many times, and the first year and a half of the autumn 1929-autumn 1932 meltdown and the fist year and a half of the autumn 2007 - spring 2009 meltdown. Both were similarly severe, and to be sure the first year and a half of the 1929-1932 calamity was modest in contrast to what followed; the bank runs did the real damage.
Barack Obama backed the banks in the equivalent of the spring of 1931 before the utter collapse of the economic system could happen. In that Obama was FDR and not Hoover. Was that a flawed response? Of course! Obama had to put the rescue of the financial system above purging the banks of incompetent and corrupt figures who contributed to the failure of many banks. In a perfect world, we might have had show trials of hundreds of crooked bank executives and tied them to deaths from suicides of people whose financial ruin drove them over the edge and convicted them of not only fraud but federal murder statutes, maybe even sending some of the crooks to face execution. That's how things are done in China, and it would have given many Americans a grim satisfaction. America has a capitalist system, so maintaining the formality of free enterprise is necessary to allow a recovery.
We got a flawed recovery. So what! So did FDR. Apples to oranges. We do not elect perfect, and we can't get it -- mostly because most sides have two issues and the hottest ones are typically decided on a 53-47 basis, and 47% of the people will be dissatisfied with the result.
For that alone President Obama deserves recognition as an above-average President, and he would have to do some huge damage to be torn down from the 'above-average' ranking.
2. Lacy Ledbetter. Who benefits from unequal pay for similar work? Not those who get the slightly-higher pay than those paid execrably, but instead the economic elite. For a profitable entity it is pure profit without harm. For the rest of us it is pure harm. Until Lacy Ledbetter the giant firms could always use the contention that 'she continued to work for us, so she was not exploited'. At the extreme one could say that because slaves continued to work at the plantation they were not exploited.
Economic exploitation creates poverty -- not genuine economic growth. If you are in a two-wage family as many married families are, unequal pay for the wife does not help a working-class family.
3. Undoing the Receivership Socialism that Dubya blundered into. Although President Obama had to accede to much of the nationalization of failing businesses he was able to sell them off. Receivership Socialism proved what a failure the President arguably most sympathetic to the loudest proponents of capitalism at its harshest, most corrupt, and most exploitative. Conservatives need admit that for having allowed the privatization of nationalized businesses, Barack Obama is the most anti-socialist President that we have ever had. To be sure, Receivership Socialism is not the ideal of the mainstream of socialist thought (I don't want to discuss that because in America, the hybrid version of plutocracy in which the plantation model of extreme inequality and the ethos of the Gilded Age in commerce remain far more relevant than any socialist current of thought, even if most Americans would be better off with social democracy than with pure plutocracy as we now have).
4. Whacking Osama bin Laden. The message is now clear: do evil to Americans and pay the supreme price. President Obama worked well with the CIA and the Armed Forces to track down and then perform what looks like an underworld hit upon the world's #1 terrorist.
5. PPACA, a/k/a (to its critics) as Obamacare. It makes medical care far more accessible to more Americans. It's a gigantic reform, and as with all reforms it has bugs to work out. Critics of Obamacare now unwittingly allow the President an indelible and unintended legacy that will be positive for a long time. People were dying because they were priced out of medical treatments that would have saved their lives. Republicans might love to undo Obamacare, as they would love to privatize Social Security, outlaw welfare, and abolish the minimum wage, leaving all discretion to the most rapacious and cruel people in America. Tough luck.
6. Not fostering any speculative boom. Any recovery that we have implies doing things the hard way. That works.
7. No personal scandals.
8. No glaring, preventable failures of foreign policy. ISIS is as much a consequence of the failure of Baath fascism in Syria coming close to breaking and a flawed post-Baathist government in Iraq that created a political vacuum. Vladimir Putin trying to carve up Ukraine? Fait accompli, something that could have been addressed only if one could predict the timetable of Putin's decisions.
America will likely go to war with ISIS. It will surely attack America's one sure ally in the Middle East, and the "Zionist entity" will put up a brutal response to people likely to do to Jews in Israel what ISIS is now doing largely to Muslims. For that the President's record is incomplete, but the pattern for American history is that the Presidents who become wartime Presidents contrary to their desires (Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Truman*, and the elder Bush) win the wars that they get stuck with. We have had only two blustering militarists (McKinley, the younger Bush) and in the case of McKinley, America got stuck with the Philippine Insurgency; Dubya has left great political wreckage in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Incomplete, but the President isn't rushing headlong into war. If peace requires a military victory, then expect him to win a victory to get peace.
NO President has ever solved all the problems that existed when he took office. Barack Obama will be no such exception, and if he were we would seek the repeal of the 22nd Amendment. What he has not been good at is fending off the trend toward an absolute plutocracy made certain with the Citizens United ruling, the worst Supreme Court ruling in American history. Dred Scot, Plessy v. Ferguson, and Korematsu now look unconscionable, but the first two only recognized the reality that then existed and the third was the result of a wartime fear. Citizens United has committed America to a fascist economic order. I can only imagine what happens when the political system exists only to endorse a realm of serfdom and peonage.
As for those people who have affected the style of the original Tea Party without understanding the principles that informed those who went aboard a British trade-ship, dumped the tea, and left the rum alone... I pity their gullibility and despise those who choreographed their derision of the President for their own nefarious ends.
If I had children I would encourage them to emigrate even if such meant a huge reduction in living standards and career opportunity. Fascist economics degrade life... and fascist politics do murder to those who fail to appreciate the sham benevolence of the lash and of chains. NOTHING about the American Revolution or the Founding Fathers was in any way fascist.
*The Korean War is a UN victory to the extent that aggression by the DPRK failed, the Republic of Korea has a defensible boundary that gave some and took some to look fair, and the Republic of Korea has been able to prosper to the level of western Europe.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters