So far, so goodl. Now, you go and ruin it below.
Uh, dude, the military budget of the US exceeds every other nation. It can be cut by closing a 100's of bases strewn all over the world. Next, how about closing pork bases here in the US which are there to buy off congress? If you want to draft folks, Cynic Hero'86 is first one in. Rags is too old to be drafted.
and stop the other Bush's wars. They are not achieving anything.
Next on weapons systems, cut spending for trash in the F-35. That project proves that pork flies, though not so well.

I think we should do something smart. We need to harden our grid and other infrastructure against cyber warfare. We suck at that one. Put sensitive internet connected equipment behind firewalls, upgrade firmware, demand security testing on all firmware for security bugs , demand encrypted connections between infrastructure components, etc. When it comes to cyber security , America is stupid. Just look what happened to Sony. They got pwned. Segment the grid into zones and set up firewalls between the zones as well. That way if something goes bad in one zone, the whole grid doesn't go down.
So, cut the pork out and make useful stuff like neutron bombs, decent fighter planes which actually work, all contracts are to be subject to blind bidding.
1. Scrap the current tax code entirely. It's fucked 7 ways from Sunday.
2. Do what you say above.
3. Abolish the FED. It's a private bank that does nothing but blow asset bubbles.