Originally Posted by
Mary Kate 1982
And you have fallen hook line and sinker for the false dichotomy of Republican v. Democrat. You stupidly demonize one party as the cause of all our troubles when really it is simply the more overt evildoer of the two. You cannot conceive of a system in which both parties are no good, because little in American history points to it: perhaps you should look abroad in Latin America for when this happens, as the echoes and current American politics are chilling. Like Latin America, as I have said multiple times, neither party represents the people of the United States. If you do not believe me, Go take a look at the issues Pew Research polls for. Most Americans want reinvestment in infrastructure. Most Americans want a review of the tax code and the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall. Support for Obama care is rising, as is support for some form of socialized medicine, especially among the young, a trend that has not changed in 10 years.
Now go take a look at C-SPAN and get out a pad. Realize that at any time any senator, one out of 100, could propose a bill with wide public support;it could be any one of these issues. There is absolute silence on the floor of Congress. I think you want to believe that continually voting for the lesser of two evils is a solution, but please excuse me: I have watched my elders try that tactic since I was a very small girl and it never made anything better. At best, you had one party become evil in slow motion and the other just become evil point blank. At best, you got politicians on one side of the aisle far too willing to negotiate in the hopes that a small piece of legislation would get through, when what was needed was all of it.( I am 32 now. I have watched in horror as Congress piddle twiddles and resolves over issues brought up when I was 12, to borrow a phrase from the play 1776.) And year after year, the choice of candidates at election time slowly got worse and worse. each election cycle featured the next politician being slightly more evil than the last one up for office. And each time, my elders told me to hold my nose.
it never occurrs to them that instead we should be demanding much more of our elected officials and a much greater say in who stands for office. It doesn't occur to them that in this sick game of red team versus blue team where it's all the fault of the other team is a flop, fraud, a failure. The only way justice will truly be done is by holding both red and blue team accountable for their crimes and for their corruption. Even if it means replacing both of them as national entities, accountability must be restored, and the people's voice must be heard after 30 years of being ignored. Both Republican and Democratic parties emerged in their current form at the end of the 19th century. We live in the 21st. Just waiting for the Republicans to implode might not be enough. It would still leave us with the Democrats.
PS this has happened before in history, although not American history. It was also a crisis. You may remember a little fight between the Yorkists and Lancastrians. Neither side was truly fit to rule. And neither side recognized their own avarice. It took a whole new generation to stop the madness, one that had grown up in the shadow of their parents bickering like the Hatfields and the McCoys and tearing up England as a result. Henry Tudor was never supposed to be much of anything except a minor Earl with with a Welsh father but every time the wheel of fortune turned, no matter what happened, no matter if the white rose or the red rose won, it always affected Henry and members of his generation adversely. (look at poor Elizabeth of York: her mother was a nut and had a knack for pissing off every courtier she ever met, not to mention she had extravagant tastes that belied her inability in accounting skills. It is also possible that Henry hearing of the plot to have her wed to Richard and subsequently going into a rage is true, since Henry would have known her prior to his leaving England as a little girl, a tiny cute princess, and this crookback freak probably was wearing her father Edward's old robes while leering at Elizabeth, so hungry for power that little details, such as the fact that Elizabeth was his niece, didn't matter to him.)
Naturally they finally got tired of it and though they got support from disaffected others, they led the way to final victory, ultimately replacing both the Yorkists and Lancastrians. King Henry VII went to work and got rid of the old order with a lot of his friends from Bosworth and most often sent the Idealist archetype packing, literally in the case of Elizabeth Woodville.