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the republicans have an ambiguous message on the economy -- that the only people whose economic success does any good for america is for the economic elites, and that economic hardships for the rest do not matter because there will be pie in the sky when you die for those who accept a mindless, joyless, regimented, insecure, inequitable, impoverished, environmentally-ravaged world on behalf of their betters. For people who no longer have hope for well-paid jobs as miners and assembly-line workers, such could be a valid trade and the republican promise is the best available. For those who want better or who can't believe that exploitative brutes have any wisdom about the judgment of god upon politics, the republican promise is absurd. Such makes all the difference in the world.
If i really believed what the right promises --- suffer for my greed and go to heaven -- i would chain-smoke, pig out on junk food, guzzle lots of beer, and vegetate on the couch while watching television, probably alternating between televangelist programs, fox propaganda channel (helping create the personality cults of republican politicians and demonizing liberals), and maybe sports. I would also be dead by now of cancer, heart disease, cirrhosis, or alcohol poisoning. I would probably also be at best in purgatory for a wasted life.
A free america with opportunity for anyone with a good work ethic and even modest talent is worth defending against foreign enemies and against americans who would turn america into a nightmare. So,
god bless america -- smash fascism!
could anything be more patriotic? If so many could face the nightmares of the fascism of three thug empires of germany, italy, and japan as soldiers in the last 4t, then why can't we do so against those who would transform america into a fascist nightmare if they could do so? An american fascism will be no less ugly because it uses sousa marches than because it uses old prussian marches.
A good america is a just america. We will need to make some sacrifices -- use energy more judiciously, buy things for durability and multiple use instead of buying junk that ends up in the landfill, allowing opportunities for people who are superficially dissimilar to ourselves, dedicate more resources to education, strengthen the social safety net, reform corruption away, and improve the public infrastructure -- and of course val;ue rational thought. If we fail at that we will face even greater sacrifices and for far fewer earthly rewards.