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If we get a mass of defeats of people still tied to the "I've got mine/$crew you" ethos of the 3T, then and only then do we get real change. (Of course, if the GOP further consolidates power we get change, too -- and likely an intensification of inequality, wars for profit, degradation of the public sector, debasement of education, privatization of the potentially-profitable segments of the public sector, brutalization of law enforcement, political lockstep instead of gridlock, gutting of unions, degradation of the environment... with America becoming an Evil Empire to which most of the rest of the world becomes hostile).
The last batch of Idealists in political and cultural influence establishes the cultural consensus for the 1T. The majority of Boomers in power form a cadre of selfish, elitist, intolerant, anti-rational blusterers. Those people are exploiters who demand that they be seen as benefactors of their victims and fly into a rage when someone calls them on it -- like Southern Transcendentals who expected the rest of America to recognize how wonderful slavery was. Howe and Strauss described the Idealist endowment at its best as cultured, creative, and principled -- but at its worst its vices as arrogance, ruthlessness, and narcissism. So far the Idealist vices are in command and the virtues are suppressed. That must end, but nobody can say when.
At the least, Americans rejected an extreme narcissist as a Presidential nominee in favor of a Reactive who shows the temperament of a 60-something Lost pol (face it -- even if President Obama admires FDR and Kennedy he is more like Truman or Eisenhower)... but what the heck? Most people now recognize Truman and Eisenhower as above-average Presidents. After a bumbler as bad as Dubya that may be what we need.
It's the bad Boomers who must be eased out of power. The post-secular types who reject the intellectual basis of science yet treat their electronic gadgets and medicine as if magic fail to recognize the cause of the 'magic'... objective science itself. Destroy the science and the sheer majesty of technological achievement dies too. Being able to do more with lesser material input is the difference between the brute-force economies of the classical and medieval worlds and ours.
Know well: what may matter more with the Millennial generation for the next few years is their appearance in state legislatures and city councils. City and state governments often become laboratories for testing new ways of doing politics. Many political contests for Governor and will still be between Boomers or between X... and the increasing participation of the Millennial vote will decide which Boomer or X pol prevails.
Let's see how old some generations were when their first President became President:
Gilded (Grant, 1868) ... 46
Progressive (McKinley, 1901)...58
Missionary (Harding, 1921)...61
Lost (Truman, 1945)...62
GI (Kennedy, 1917) ...61
Silent (probably never)
Boom (Clinton, 1993)...50
X (Obama, 2009)...48
Kennedy was the youngest President elected to office, but his generation clearly waited its turn for the Presidency. Millennial pols have a long way to go before any of them makes the presidency. The oldest Millennial does not reach 46 until 2028, and an opening for a generation at or under 50 suggests the failure of the prior generation. A war hero replaces the generation that allowed a catastrophic war (the Civil War) to happen; "Slick Willie" follows a generation that had probably overstayed its welcome in power and leap-frogged a generation that may have never had the temperament to be President; Barack Obama brings the temperament of a 60-something Reactive before age 50 (no insult -- Truman and Eisenhower were fine Presidents) following one of the most spectacular failures as President of the United States.
The next President is likely a Boomer. Barack Obama is the most pre-seasonal President since at least Polk, and the next President with the temperament of a 60-something Reactive probably will be a 60-something Reactive when the 2020s or even the 2030s are underway. Does anyone see another pol like Barack Obama in the wings? So far I see much of Generation X showing a mishmash of the worst Idealist (arrogance, narcissism, and ruthlessness) and Reactive (money-lust, crudity, and recklessness) traits which create more dangers than solutions.