You lost me there. Air strikes is exactly what Clinton did in august 1998 in response to Al Qaeda's actions then.
Not quite all. Then you voted for Bush, because the Democrats were criticizing his war policy; according to you. Probably for other reasons as well. You can "understand why some people believe Iraq 2.0 was necessary" and still understand that they were wrong; which they were for the reasons I stated. Clearly and easily comprehended by you.Resolution 1441. Research it.
I've never said I agreed with it. I have said that I understood why
some people could believe Iraq 2.0 was necessary. That's all.
I was responding to what I perceive that you "believe should happen," or at least what supporters of the war believed "should" happen.Whatever. Not interested enough to respond to what you believe 'should' happen.
You are welcome to your opinion. I could gladly claim him as one of my own. I think the variety of opinions here on this give some evidence that he's a hybrid/cusper.Thank you for allowing me to have an opinion, My Liege!
Anyway, the authors were Prophet-Boomers. You're a Prophet-Boomer. I'm a Nomad-Xer.
I'm what he's being described as, and I'm telling you he's not anything like me or very few
people that are from my generation, in my experience. I concede that he's in the middle.
But, he's more characteristic of the Prophet Archetype than the Nomad Archetype, IMO.
Others would disagree because your opinion is clearly in error.I'll say this much. I do believe President Obama lost the Peace in Iraq.
(It's only an opinion. I fully understand others may dis-agree.)
All that's true (or I agree). I feel badly that he got so little support from the people who elected him. The least they could do was to let him keep a congress he could work with. But they stayed home or strayed from the course. Americans; whatever indeed.But, I'm not that critical because all this crap isn't what he wanted.
An economic crisis. Wars overseas. Not in his wheelhouse.
But that's the way being a leader works.
You've got to deal with the issues and environment that's dealt to you.
I actually kinda feel bad for the guy, in a way.
Yeah, those of you who are not awake to what's happening, kinda prefer it that way. Americans. What can you expect of an asleep and deceived peopleGood debate. Um, .... yeah, Eric. Whatever.
Anyway, I'm starting to get verwy .... verwy, .... ver ... wy .... swee .... pyyyyyy ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!![]()
Prove it.Like I already said, you lack 'critical thinking' skills.
But you are interested nevertheless in holding on to your opinion, no matter what the facts are, and continuing to vote for Bush and his ilk on that basis (again, according to you) lol :lol:(... and have a problem with reading comprehension! )
PS: I'm not interested in attempting to re-litigate any of this.
If you don't want to engage in critical thinking, and just hold on to discredited opinions, or just go to sleep and not read, why bother voting at all? You might consider this. Just stay home and say, "whatever!" and "Anyway, I'm starting to get verwy .... verwy, .... ver ... wy .... swee .... pyyyyyy ... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!"