As most folks here know, I think banks are worthless cruft and grifters. Let's all have software that will allow us to keystroke money into our credit union accounts. That for sure would fix any demand issues.

If I want to go on a poker junket in Vegas and have all sea food meals, no prob. I'd book some reservations , see what the costs are and keystroke that amount of money into my checking account. The demand value in Vegas would go up. This is far better than QE(x) where Feddie Fundies are going straight into a whole shitpot of asset bubbles. Let's be real, Vegas junkets don't wreck the real economy like popping bubbles.
As per above I choose a person with keystroke software. Let's all sing it, Dire Straits - Money for nothing , your chicks for free.
Yeah, but you have to pay interest on debt with that system. My way does away with those pesky interest payments and is thus far more sustainable.
The current arrangement is broken.
To get borrowing to work requires:
1. The would be borrower has to be willing to take on more debt and the would be lender has to be assured of credit worthiness. Us working stiffs are debt saturated which makes that a major fail.
2. Non self liquidating debt tends to hang around like unwanted belly fat. It just sits there and makes the owner unhealthy. It's only self liquidating debt that doesn't do that. Self liquidating debt = debt assumed to build some economic asset that produces more income than the debt + interest. Consumer debt never does that.
3. The Fed has no way to control where cheap interest rate money goes. From what I've seen, it goes to produce asset bubbles.
Eh, cut out the middleman. I'll take the account with the Fed and bypass those damn financial intermediaries. Sure it's more akin to printing money, but us proles can really jive up spending in a much more efficient manner.