Distinguishing need from greed

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There is nothing moral about take from the rich to give to the poor either. It's greedy as well.
Towards the end of FDR's life he began specifying exactly what "Freedom from want" meant. Many of his ideas found their way into Eleanor's and the UN's Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Part of the impetus behind this was idealistic, but it also shaped the Cold War. If a man can't feed his family, if he can't provide them shelter, if decent medical care is out of reach, if it is impossible to prepare for retirement, then the society is not a stable one.
Some conservatives don't get it, cannot distinguish between a rich guy being forced to build a somewhat smaller yacht and a poor guy sending his child to school hungry and sick. There is a difference between greed and wanting to provide the basics. Government safety nets and economic policies should be designed that the bulk of the population can achieve needs, not to maximize mega yacht size. If the basic economy is tuned well and inclusive, the rich will do just fine. If the rich are allowed to push their greed unhindered, not everything is fine.
But some conservatives just don't get it.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. JFK