
Originally Posted by
Conservatives don't care about the size of a rich man's yacht. Conservatives don't associate themselves as being dependent on the rich man's money. Conservatives don't associate with the feeling of being entitled to receiving the rich man's money. Conservatives don't associate themselves as being direct recipients of the rich man's money. BTW, there is no moral difference between taking money away from one group to give to another group. Morally and objectively speaking, taking away money from people to give to other people is wrong. Some liberals just don't get it.
One perspective is that money is a prize that one competes for openly and preferably fairly. That's an obvious every man's perspective, a reasonable perspective, and one that cannot be totally dismissed.
To a serious macro-economist, there is another perspective. Money is in effect a lubricant. It is an artificial vaporous thing created by governments to make the exchange of goods and services easier. It is a tool created by governments to manage and improve the economy as a whole. If everyone has some, the economy is inclusive and healthy. If all the lubricant is hoarded by a few, if some wheels are left not greased, the economy falters and fails. If one produces too much money, one ends up with inflation and again the economy falters and fails. To a macro economist, the objective is a healthy economy. To a politician, there is often an agenda to get more money to those who give money to you.
It is possible to advocate a healthy inclusive economy without desiring benefits directly paid to one's self. I am a retired software engineer. I used to write software for the military industrial complex. I am not looking for government handouts. Between saving, pension and Social Security, I should do OK barring something awfully traumatic. I would, however, like to be living in a country with a healthy economy. I am not looking for rich men's money. Very few of the Democrats I know are below the poverty line and seeking benefits, but they too want a healthy economy.
However, many conservatives don't get that. Many conservatives have vile dark misconceptions of how liberals think and make no attempt to respect or listen to actual progressive values and motivations. Vile misconceptions of how the other side thinks are values lock defensive mechanisms. It is a way to protect one's world view while avoiding serious conversation. If you are going to explain and insult my motivations to me while not trying to understand or respect them, the conversation is in grave danger of resembling most every other conversation on the forum.
From a progressive perspective, it is proper to be willing to pay more taxes in order to perpetuate and extend Freedom from Fear and Freedom from Want. From a progressive perspective, conservatives are willing to allow people to suffer rather than pay more taxes. The former seems moral. The latter resembles greed. If one buys into this perspective, the morality of the two positions seems perfectly clear.
But I wouldn't expect a conservative to get it, and I fully expect you'll find a way to spin the above paragraph in a way that will avoid your examining your world view.
Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. JFK