Originally Posted by
'58 Flat
Most professional atheists fail the test for true atheism, on either or both of the following grounds: 1) They bash only Christianity - not the other faiths, especially Islam; and 2) A true atheist maintains strict neutrality between G-d and Satan; the phonies never attack Satan.
"No true Scotsman".
Is Satan real? Or is the entity nothing more than a perverse superego and infantile id working in destructive harmony?
I am beginning to see "Satan" as the greatest dramatic character who ever existed. He has been everywhere. He is the greatest adventurer ever. He's afraid of no fire, battlefield, ship sinking, vehicle collision, building collapse, torture chamber, or execution. Don't give him credit for courage; he always comes out none the worse for wear -- and he often made the situation possible. (Hint about that one-character play I have been thinking of). If he is real, he's not going to like being exposed for the cheat, liar, and sadist that he is.
Two wrongs don't make a right: Just because Christians have, undeniably, been the perpetrators of unfair treatment in the past, doesn't mean that they ought to be targets of unfair treatment in the present and/or future - as in being made to "put a sock in it" about things they consider to be immoral. You don't remedy discrimination with more discrimination.
Christianity is a brass target for rhetorical barbs because it is so commonplace and because Christians and Christian organizations are terribly imperfect despite the claim of most Christian organizations to make people good.
I would argue that for every plutocrat with a sense of noblesse oblige there are ten who just don't give a shit about anyone other than themselves unless it affects their bottom line (excluding perhaps immediate family--that seems to be hard wired into people who aren't total sociopaths). I would further argue that this has been true since the beginning of class distinctions.
The Lost-G.I. straddler elite didn't seem to have this problem in the middle of the 20th Century; today's Silent-Boomer straddler elite has it big time.
Lost and early-wave GI adults knew personal deprivation and sacrifice. Late-wave Silent knew few sacrifices, and Boomer elites have generally avoided any hardships bigger than tennis elbow. The sorts of people who believe that their hangnails are greater tragedies to the world than than others' third-degree burns, pancreatic cancer, missing and endangered children, and such. That is pathological leadership that infests politics, corporate bureaucracies, and other commanding heights of American life.
Pathological leadership either implodes or takes down much of the rest of the world in a 4T. It is your choice on what you think will happen this time. Missionary leadership was far better and got nearly the best results that America could have gotten in view of the worst economic meltdown in American history and having to wage war against two of the most dangerous Evil Empires to have ever existed. If America should be the Evil Empire, then we Americans stand to get the worst in the world and lose the most.
Of course it is the Boom-X leadership that we have during the Crisis Era that will get us into or through the Crisis. Barack Obama notwithstanding (I see him as pre-seasonal, not post-seasonal), early-wave X leadership isn't so great so far.
Oh, by the way -- after the Crisis of 2020, American leadership will resemble Barack Obama in political behavior.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters