It seems someone does not know what the word Kulak means in the Russian language. It means fist. These Kulaks who were "doing nothing wrong" prior to collectivization of agriculture in the Soviet Union (which he alluding to because it was the messiest collectivization on record, probably because it was the first) were hoarding grain, hoarding grain in their fist to drive up the price by starving urban workers for their own gain. That is if not legally wrong, morally wrong, more so in a state attempting to build socialism.Originally Posted by Brower
Marxism-Leninism not only promises accelerated economic growth for that reason but it also delivers on that promise. The USSR, Albania and many other countries either industrialized or re-industrialized following Marxist-Leninist prescriptions. Cuba did not because Cuba is not suitable for massive heavy industry and heavy industry is a precursor to light industry with few exceptions.Marxism-Leninism also promises to jump-start economic growth by ensuring that those who invest cannot divert much of the economic gain to their own sybaritic indulgence so that the gain goes into industrial investment. The problem is that the ML regime is capable of imposing hardships that capitalism in the form of a consumer society need not impose -- because the ML elite becomes unaccountable.
I want to know what sort of hardships that a socialist society can impose that a consumerist capitalist society does not? Free healthcare? Perhaps free bread? A lack of homelessness, or prostitution? The problem of the elite becoming unaccountable in socialist countries is not because they are ML but rather because over time (without regular purges) they cease to be MLs at all. In some cases they never were ML (Cuba for example).
Actually Stalin did not hold unaccountable power. He was accountable to the Party's Central Committee which itself was accountable to the Party as whole. Stalin does not belong on your list. Study your history better Brower.Unaccountable power invariably imposes great horror, whether the unaccountable power be that of a colonial overlord like Leopold II or a brute like Hitler or Stalin.
I can't say that I necessarily disagree here. I will point out that the reasons why this happens is different than why you describe. While the Bourgeois perspective is true, the proletariat typically sees the so-called middle class (but really the labor aristocracy and petty-bourgeoisie) to be useless dead weight, which in most cases they are. The so-called middle classes cannot be counted on being revolutionary when it really matters--they have a little something to lose besides chains.We have our own class war, but it is not between the tycoons and the proletariat; it is instead a struggle of others against middle-income groups. The ruling elite has typically seen an independent middle class as unnecessary and disobedient; the white lower-working class wants to be rid of people that it considers an exploitative elite. Both want most of the middle class to become poor and helpless. After all, the ruling elite needs only so many retainers to do their bidding. Everyone else can be a peon.
I will point out though from an economic point of view that eleminating the classes that have disposable income for mindless consumption will back fire on the bourgeoisie because someone needs to purchase products so they can profit. At the end of the day profit is driven by consumption which is driven by production in the capitalist system--which is why we are having a dual crisis of lack of aggregate demand and over production.
Guess whose tactics overthrew imperial Russia.The economic meltdown of 1929-1932 did that -- not deliberate policy of politically-savvy people. The economic elites which had believed much the same trickle-down economics as the elites at the start of the Gilded Age believed in also lost their means of flooding the electoral process with campaign contributions. The economic meltdown of 2007-2009 had an obvious parallel, but it did not go far enough to destroy the means of buying the political process. Barack Obama rescued them, and those elites turned on him quickly by funding a revival of Movement Conservatism. So far as anyone can tell, those elites want 95% of the people suffering for the sybaritic excess of a small sliver of the American population. Those elites want the middle class reduced to a small class of dependent retainers who have no other market for their skills or creativity except to pamper and glorify the elite.
Guess where that puts us? Where but a high-tech version of Imperial Russia!