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Actually, depending on what is meant by contemporary "radical Left," I'm probable more in agreement than not. If we're talking "single payer" and SS-for-all without payroll taxes (except as one of many tools to mitigate harmful inflation if it should arise); free education including post-secondary; vast increases in infrastructure and public space spending (up to the point of harmful inflation); and environmental protection and smart energy investment, etc. etc. then I'm all in.
Basically we would be wise this time to do for ourselves what we did for liberated Germany and liberated Japan after World War II -- expunge the demons and establish a fair, workable new order. We Americans excise our own demons, or some other countries solve that problem at best as we did in the late 1940s.
My issue with many of today's radical Left is their magic pony thinking, e.g., the '08 Obamatrons that saw him as a Messiah and then trashed him a year or two later because he didn't poop magic ponies out his ass. My issue gets amplified with those espousing anything further to the Left as it becomes completely unrealistic and actually harmful (e.g. single party mafia systems like in today's Russia and China). Same goes with the magic pony Libertarians on the Right. Both extremes tend to either (a) get behind the next promised Messiah (Sanders on the Left; any candidate on the Right) coming in and clicking his ruby red slippers together and poof, Nirvana, or (b) are assured some hoped-for bloody revolution will take place where they, of course, will not only survive but prosper because, well, they are obviously not only the correct but the chosen ones. Neither is going to happen, and I find these viewpoints to be not just intellectual laziness but intellectual masturbation.
Our Right is as capable of establishing a Mafia-like political order as in Russia or China. But yes -- we got two excellent years out of Barack Obama and wasted the other six. Just think of what the Koch brothers have panned for us -- an economic order of low pay, no job security, and very high (monopolistic) prices. The Right can make America the sort of country that people do everything possible to leave.
So if the future split is between those that actually move the ball down the field and those that stay home playing with themselves, from my perch in the afterlife, I'd be pretty happy with the inevitable results.
One view of Heaven is that one gets a ringside seat watching the horrors of Hell. I figure that after a few minutes of watching the shade of Blondi (Hitler's dog, and paradoxically his last victim) devouring the shade of the man who tested a cyanide pellet on him after commanding that millions be murdered I would be ready for something very different. Learning to play the cello, perhaps?
Another view is that in Heaven the horrors of This World and even worse in Hell are out of sight and out of mind. I'd be satisfied with that.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters