I have my idea. Encourage the University of California system to establish branches in Appalachia, where real estate and construction labor are both cheap. A college boom in Appalachia would absorb many of the former coal miners as construction workers, alleviating much of the economic distress in the area. It would also establish some excellent colleges that have been rare in the area.
California residents would get in-state tuition due to the investment... and very low rents by California standards. Of course the local attractions might be awful to non-existent... but nobody would have to pay $3000 monthly rent for an apartment. One good thing about studying in a God-awful place is that there are no distractions.
But think of the boon to Appalachia: there would be well-educated youth as models of hope and the prospect of success.
High-quality education pays for itself in federal income tax payments alone. Single payer? Even Medicare at 50 would have some positive effects. One is that it would stop age discrimination. Be 50 and generally competent and you might be desirable again. People in their 50s and early 60s can still be active... so long as they have not messed themselves up with bad habits (smoking, boozing, obesity).
The housing bubble will implode. Many California residents are going to ask whether they might be better off to go to a place in which they can live for less than they are paying in rent. Sure, that means having to put up with fire-and-ice climates like this:
...The sort of place where it is possible to get frostbite and heatstroke in the same month.
Coastal California weather is for wimps. But Iowa has virtues -- good schools and a low crime rate.
Count on the Koch syndicate turning on him and offering its model of Hard Right pure plutocracy. Of course that has been done.
If Democrats don't win the House, then expect the same situation as from 2011 to now... and say hello to some right-wing Republican President who promises to get a lot done. Almost all of it will be wrong except for the economic elites of America; but elect Ted Cruz as President and we could see America turned back to having much the same institutions that it had when Herbert Hoover was President. Say farewell to Social Security, Medicare, and even the right to have a union. You might be working 12-hour workdays for near-starvation pay... and having to buy your necessities at the company store. You will want your children to get into the tourist business so that they might attract some rich foreign tourist and seduce him or her.
Republicans will simply say no. They will filibuster everything, just as the Koch brothers tell them to do. We will have the same gridlock. Of course I can think of far worse than gridlock -- lockstep in a very bad direction
Sage wisdom from the Boy Scouts -- Be prepared!