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To step back from murder, this tendency applies to other crimes, also. Consider if you will the case of Mary Kay Letourneau, a school teacher who had a sexual affair with a teenage boy (a former student of hers), when he was, (IIRC) thirteen. She became pregnant from the affair, BTW.
OK, the first time this happened, the judge gave her a 7 1/2 year sentence, which was suspended(!!!), until she was caught with the boy again, at which point the full 7 year sentence kicked back in.
She now has 2 kids by this boy, the second born in prison. (She already had children, BTW.)
OK, reverse the sexes, and ask yourself what a male teacher having sex with his 13 year old female student would get in most courts, with rock solid proof available.
But in fact, this is one of the cases when you have to read the cultural context of a law to understand what it really means. When society talks about protecting children from sexual predators, they mostly unconsciously mean protecting innocent helpless girls from male predators. The idea that a male teen could be innocent or helpless often doesn't even occur, even though a 13 year old boy has little if any more idea of anything than his female classmates. There's a societal assumption that a male can take care of himself, whether it's true or not, and that women, being basically innocent and not being interested in sex for its own sake (don't snicker, you'd be amazed how many people still think that), wouldn't do such a thing anyway.
To make the whole thing even weirder, there was a lot of public reaction that tried to see her as a victim, saying they were in love, or trying to describe it as a star-crossed relationship (?!) Don't ask me why.