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I will never understand what makes people vote for any specific person. It really just seems that some person says what the people want to hear and they automatically rally against them. Does it mean they will do the job correctly? They may be the most intelligent person on this planet, they may be prophetic in predicting our own doom. Said person would be very valuable behind the curtain, but I don't know if they would be valuable as a leader.
What history has shown us, is that closed minded leaders (specifically tyrants) do not make good leaders. I try to do everything I can to avoid voting for closed minded people for this reason. Leaders who are celebrated are leaders who expand education, liberate artists, and allow people to generally go about their lives.
I think America is very fortunate in a sense that we have so many people in this nation. We have experienced fragmentation before. We've experienced xenophobia and rioting because of this. The New York draft riots during the civil war are kind of a forgotten and overlooked event, but we almost lost control of New York City for a few days. We have so many people in this nation, which means we have so many opinions and fractions in this country. Finding any unifying voice would be very difficult for 300 million people and growing. Even the tea party (basically the angry white middle class party), cannot sustain enough voters to elect a president.
One problem in this country is that the middle class seems to think it's their birthright to be...the middle class. (The we're taking our country back mentality). Any change in their lifestyle is enormously shocking to them. "Oh I have to pay 5 dollars for ground beef?" Or "I have to pay 4 dollars for a gallon of milk? How outrageous!" It is outrageous, but what do you think people did before your time? Threw temper tantrums about it? They watered down the soup and went without milk and meat. There was a time where meat was a rarity and most people didn't even have access to milk.
They forget that their ancestors came from impoverished regions, endured unimaginable hardships and worked their asses off and ended up getting nowhere. They did this because they knew that, not necessarily their children, but their childrens' children would end up rising above their status level. We have no concept of this type of forward thinking, we have no context to apply it to, and therefore we are completely lost as a society. The "existential" angst we've been experiencing for a great deal of the latter half of the 20th century is a result of this detachment. Although some people may have struggled to work their way up to working class, they do not understand what it is to be perpetually hungry, filthy, dirty. And meanwhile, there were leeches everywhere, making their fortunes out of screwing over honest and hardworking people in the past. Again, did these honest and hardworking people throw temper tantrums? The baby boomers are the first group of adults to actually have adult temper tantrums over these things...it's kind of shameful. We're a nation full of people having adult temper tantrums..and most of the time it's over the dumbest things imaginable. "I had to sit on the phone for an hour before I could fix my internet!" My god what babies...
The things I hear coming out of their mouths is just shameful and embarrassing. Yes I understand that illegal immigration is frustrating, but there are more pressing issues to address. Even if you were to get rid of every single illegal immigrant in this country, do you really think that would magically create jobs? These companies would send those jobs overseas or get rid of them entirely, at the very least they would have an understaffed workplace. I know...I work in retail where skeleton crews are common. Of course those baby boomers living in la la land, with their office jobs, houses in the suburbs do not seem to understand reality. They are aware of the darker aspects of reality, but they don't understand them and don't contextualize them. Of course, I'm not attacking baby boomers specifically, we're all responsible for this mentality. We've had easy lives, all of us, for the last 70 years.