Hey, Mike.
I'm going to stay out of the specifics here because I'm basically
just using this as an opportunity to read-up on some history.
But I was wondering if you've ever read
Capitals of Capital?
(I haven't yet, but it's on 'the list').
Anyway, the move of the 'financial center' from Amsterdam, to London,
to New York, to ... eek!(

) is something I'm very interested in. In fact,
one of the most important by-products of William III of Orange(and Mary)
being chosen as the successor(s) to the English Crown might just be that
move from Amsterdam to London(or at least helped contribute to it).
But that said, I haven't identified the
actual moments that these changes
occurred. For instance, I've heard that the move to the US actually was
sometime around the second half of the 1800s during the move westward
via investments in railroads and such. Any thoughts?