Originally Posted by
Bob Butler 54
There is a difference in between US and Europe's level of militancy. After World War II, the United States decided that being a superpower was neat, and jumped into the role with considerable enthusiasm. Europe was far more traumatized by WW II. Our lesson learned was a need to contain tyrants. Their lesson learned was that war of aggression against powers with similar military power is a bad idea.
My experience with Europeans is that they kind of chuckle inside when they see big Hollywood movies about 'Pearl Harbor.'
Here is this day immortalized as the tragedy of tragedies, and how many guys did we lose? We certainly didn't lose a quarter of our population!
Many Europeans are reminded of the abysmal hell that was their lives from 1933-45 daily. Take a drive through downtown Warsaw and count the old buildings. They don't exist.
That ads up to an uneasiness with international conflict that American Boomers like Bush don't have. I have never thought Bush to be the guy who really understood war and how badly it fucks people up (I'm sorry but it's the only appropriate word.) He seems like the type of guy who has led a rather isolated and protected life who has internalized a steady diet of American propaganda. He hasn't led a life worthy of respect, he isn't a great orator, he doesn't come across as remotely intelligent, he is not able to speak off the cuff, unless he is letting some Davy Crocket: King of the Wild Frontier/Football Coach folkisms slip from his tongue like 'evil doers' and 'bring it on.'
Why should anyone in the international community be expected to treat him with anything other than cordial civility and private disdain?
He is an embarassment and has been treated by the world community as such. Europe is notoriously pompous and intellectual. They are also a little jealous that they have lots of brain power, and the world is run by some pea brained cowboy who spent the month before 9-11 on vacation, and who commands the support of wild army of obese gun toting, death penalty endearing, Bible thumping (most Europeans are quite secular, even the Italians) idiots - the kind who got pushed overseas so long ago because they were just so damn annoying.