Originally Posted by
B Butler
I'll try repeating myself, but those who haven't got it at this point likely don't want to get it.
I see four major issues pushed by the Blue Boomers during the Awakening. Peace (opposition to the blind application of the Domino Theory), gender rights, racial rights and environmentalism. At the time, there was a Generation Gap. The Blue Boomers were for the most part young, the GIs were elders, and there was a strong coalition on where one stood on these four issues by age.
Now, JPT doesn't much distinguish between Blue Boomers and Red Boomers. He just doesn't like Boomers. If he dislikes everything the Boomers stand for he would be in opposition to racial and gender equality. Of course, you can't get away with saying that openly. There is always a degree of indirection involved. He will often disparage what the Blue Boomers stood for without explicitly stating what he is disparaging. However, it is often there if you look for it.
While at that time the Generation Gap was very age oriented, it has morphed in time to the Red / Blue divide. Militarism, equality and the environment are still partisan issues that divide the parties and the country. The Democrats have broadly embraced the Blue Boomer agenda, while the Republicans oppose. Age isn't totally irrelevant. The older generations tend to slant Red, the younger Blue. As voters age out, the demographic trends favor the Blue. Still, you don't hear "Don't trust anyone over thirty" anymore. There are Red and Blue voters in every age group these days.
And many among the red are still doing what they can to dismantle the Awakening pushes for equality, to quell affirmative action, to repeal Roe v Wade, to keep Confederate flags flying, to push militarism. Now, there are far far fewer lynchings and women don't have to resort to coat hanger abortions. We aren't going to go back to where we were before the Awakening.
But I'm not going to speak much about what the Red Boomers might want. I'll just repeat what the Blue Boomers demanded and what the GIs to a great extent eventually gave us. The Domino Theory was phased out, or at least the hot wars became cold. There were significant improvements in gender and race relations. We don't have two sets of bathrooms or coat hangers as medical instruments. There was a wave of new water treatment plants and stack scrubber installations that made a large first dent in the pollution problem.
Not all was fixed. Much more to do. Many new problems are visible now that we weren't aware of back then, the problem of failed states in the Middle East among them. Still, I am proud of what the Blue Boomers demanded and what the progressive GIs to a great extent delivered.
To some extent I can understand younger folk's dislike of Boomers. It took a lot of energy for the Blue Boomers to push for some very basic and vital changes. While to a great extent the Blue Boomers don't have the energy to push for more, (expletive deleted) if as a group we will allow the hard earned gains to be pushed back. The Red Boomers loved the flawed America that was, were dismayed by the America that was reborn, and learned to resist change with an energy and vitality that matched the Blue Boomers. The younger generations don't understand what it takes to move the Establishment, and are dismayed and distressed when some small echo of the Awakening energy and drive to get things done disturbs their video games. I don't really blame them. I haven't the energy to take to the streets and get things done anymore, either. I do, however, remember what it takes. If they don't like heat, no wonder they have avoided the kitchen.
Anyway, if someone wants to launch wild strawman attacks against all Boomers without distinguishing between the Red and the Blue, I'm going to define my view of the distinction between them and defend the Blue.