S&H projected the Great Devaluation to occur c2002-2008.
Has it occurred? If so, when?
S&H projected the Great Devaluation to occur c2002-2008.
Has it occurred? If so, when?
Stocks have essentially been stagnant overall for the past 16 years. Wages stagnant, Commodities in a global deflationary trend.
As much as politicians like to tout (or cry) about the current economic conditions there is only so much they can do.
We are very much in a 1930's style growth patter, but with the institutions in place for it to "feel" less serious and to ease the symptoms. There are so many systems in place (plus our economy is so much more robust and gigantic) that the feeling of this depression isn't as severe, but buy the real raw data it is truly just as bad.
The great devaluation has/is happening. Its all around us.