Originally Posted by
Eric the Green
I was listening to a talk show tonight, and a young 22-year old guy who self-identified as a "millennial" said he was "voting for Trump at this point." He said he was doing so because he was tired of "white guilt." He was against what Bernie Sanders was saying about responding to black peoples' concerns. Trump is speaking to his concerns about political correctness and being blamed for others' troubles. And I thought, how ridiculous. He seemed a bright and articulate guy, but I just can't admire his point of view on that. I don't subscribe to the views some express here that it's "human nature" to identify with one's race or ethnic group, or one's religion, or that humans are naturally territorial, and identify with their nation.
Stuff like that is just evidence of being brainwashed by social conventional authority. And social conventional authority is not human nature. There is nothing in my brain or my soul that is marked as this or that; it's just human. In the Awakening, many of our generation were able to look higher and broader than such obviously old-fashioned notions, that are only based on SOCIAL CONDITIONING, and NOT on "human nature." We could "imagine" the truth, just as John Lennon sang what we already knew. Even according to the religious teachers that "social conservatives" who believe in "identity politics" supposedly venerate, bowing to this identity stuff is not fulfilling our "nature" as human beings at all. We are to learn that we are all children and expressions of one God, one divine being and presence, on one Earth that belongs to God. That is our true "nature," not what the authorities, the Pontius Pilates, the Caesars, the Ferdinand and Isabellas, King Henrys, Hitlers and Trumps of the world, tell us about whom is our kind, and who ain't.
In our irreversibly globalizing society, we are called on to oppose the retrograde, fearful resistance to the facts, and to love and care for all people instead. Why should I identify with my race, my ancestry, my cultural heritage? I am NOT those things. I have nothing to do with those things. I am a human being, and a spiritual being. I am free; not a slave to the categories that the conventional, reactionary authorities like Donald Trump want to put us in. I did not enslave the black people; and black people are not rebelling against me. I am not keeping people out of this country, and others are not blaming me for keeping them out. I don't have to identify with the things that my race or nation did, and I don't have to worry if anyone accuses or tries to make me feel guilty over them. Because, I am not a race, and I am not a nation. I am JUST ME; unique, and free from all this falderall; this nonsense, this limited and old-fashioned thinking created for social control of the many by the powerful few. And I am interested in anyone's suffering and prosperity, NOT in whether my race or my nation is "great" again, meaning winning against others.