Originally Posted by
John J. Xenakis
To Neil Howe:
I can't overstate how shocked I am that you're shutting down this
forum, and throwing hundreds of your most vocal and loyal supporters
out into the street.
You say you're going to be writing more books, and you obviously
expect to continue receiving the loyal support of these people. Are
you kidding? When it sinks in what you've done to them, they're going
to be furious at you, and will not be your supporters.
This forum may have been about you when it first started, but that's
no longer true. Today, this forum is about the members, and the
people who have loyally supported you. You have an enormous moral
obligation to honor them.
I gather that you want to be done with this forum, and I can
understand that, having managed and administered half a dozen forums
over the years. However, you have other choices besides simply
throwing all your supporters into the garbage.
I personally can offer you two choices.
First, I can simply take over as administrator on the existing web
site. It won't cost you anything, and the forum can continue exactly
as before.
Second, I can move this forum to another web site, so that you can be
completely done with it. Let me dwell on the second choice.
What I would do is purchase another domain, say, "newforum.com", and I
would move the entire forum, as is, to that new domain. The address
would be "newforum.com/forum" instead of "fourthturning.com/forum". I
know exactly how to do this, since I've done it several times in the
However, for this option, I would need your cooperation in four areas:
1 - I would need administrative access to the existing forum so that I
can take screen shots of the administrative pages and make a backup of
the database.
2 - I would briefly need administrative access to the web site so that
I can take a backup of the entire "/forum" directory and
subdirectories. This is important, because all the graphics and
attachments that everyone has uploaded are in that directory.
3 - I would need you to transfer your vBulletin license to me, so that
I won't have to buy a new one for $200.
4 - I would need to insert an ".htaccess" file into the "/forum"
directory of your web server. This would be important, because it
would mean that if someone clicks on a link of the form
"fourthturning.com/forum/whatever", Apache would automatically
redirect it to "newforum.com/forum/whatever", so that all the old
links would continue to work correctly.
I would then install vBulletin on the new web site, set up the options
according to the screen shots that I've taken from the old forum, and
restore the database, and all the graphics files and attachments.
The result is that the new forum would be indistinguishable from the
old one, except that it will be at a different URL.
These are the two choices that I'm offering. I hope that you'll think
about this and realize that this is in your own best interest, in
order to maintain the loyalty of the hundreds of people who have
supported you over the years.
One final point is that these steps will take several days to
complete, so unless the May 16 date can be extended, a decision has to
be made pretty quickly.