Since the board is coming to an end, it would seem time for everyone to fess up.
Since the board is coming to an end, it would seem time for everyone to fess up.
Everyone who voted Bush-Bush-McCain-Romney can start off.![]()
I thought people here pretty much say what they are thinking?
1984 Civic
Introvert(69%) Sensing(6%) Feeling(19%) Judging(22%)
I guess I'll put this here; why not?
maybe several posts, from your #1 prolific poster.
I want to thank all of you for posting. I want to mention and say goodbye to all my friends and allies, all my adversaries and enemies, all those in between, all those who departed from this sinking ship, or who were thrown overboard, and all those lurkers and people I forgot or didn't know well. I will get specific in my next post.
Thanks, and I know that my purpose here has often been to correct what I see as incorrect views; and that can seem strident on my part, and usually doesn't work anyway. I don't mean it as a personal attack. I thought it was valuable for people to read my views. I realize I am passionate many times about what I say. It doesn't mean I don't respect other views. But I have real concerns, and I am convinced that our problems and our hopeful possibilities depend on what we think and perceive, and on what our opinions are. It's very important to take a look at opinions and what we believe, perceive and think, and to question these. Progress depends on it. I encourage you all to do this. Maybe some of you will take away from these discussions some ideas I and others have shared, that open you to a wider view and more hopeful and creative possibilities.
To have one's ideology questioned, is difficult to take. And discussion and argument rarely works. True communication here has been rare, and usually people didn't get what I say. To that extent, this forum has been a longstanding failure for me. But on a higher level, I extend my forgiveness to all of you who didn't respect me or understand me. All of you are sacred human beings, and we are all in this life together. Yes, I understand that some of you think that it's me that needs to question his ideology and opinions. All I can say is, touche! And I do question, too, and have done so for 50 years.
And I liked having a place, a virtual water cooler, with some people here with whom I could share what I found that was cool, interesting, funny, wonderful, and important. I hope some of you enjoyed what I posted. I enjoyed some of what others posted here too. I especially admire how much knowledge so many of you have, about so many things. This is a thoughtful and intelligent group. Despite the failures, there was no better forum that I have found. I enjoyed folks like mikebert, gianthogweed, chas and many others who did such great research into the T4T theory. Some of the ideas are brilliant. I have learned a lot from a lot of you, about a lot of things. It has been practice, too, in communicating, and in learning to be more civil, more clear, more considerate of others. Perhaps I have learned something on that level too, or I tried to. And I got lots of practice using the edit function.
My first purpose in coming here, way back in 1997 after hearing Mr. Strauss on our local talk station and inviting us to come, was to inform you of the strong and clear link between the saeculum cycle, and the cycle of the planet Uranus around the zodiac every 83-84 years. Although the turnings/generations theory is not based on astrology, the exact correspondence is undeniable. The authors specifically stated in T4T that the archetypal length of a saeculum is exactly 84 years. I hope that, despite not agreeing with astrology, that you remember that point.
The forum has been useful for me in making predictions, and demonstrating how many of my predictions have come true. I have learned a lot about being a prophet since 1968, and this is proof that I have improved my skills. It may seem like I am trumpeting myself, and I'm sorry about that, but I am also demonstrating that astrology can work, and that's about more than just me.
And don't forget the prophecies that I have made here. Just as so many I that have made here since 1997 have indeed come true, so will many that are yet to come. Keep in touch with me at
And remember my chief prophecy and greatest prayer remains, that we have in these times the opportunity and ability to create a renaissance and a golden age, and to emerge from our 4T successfully. I predict that we will. Our nation, world and generations today are not less talented and capable than others, and our time in history is such that we have never had a better chance to rise to greatness than now. I encourage all of you to contribute to it, and to rise above the fears and cynicism for which we can see much justification, but which we can also see beyond-- if we understand our place in history, and all that has been revealed and made available to us in recent decades (yes, especially during the Awakening, and during its material foundation that preceded it; and in its fringe-area development since). Know this; treasure this! Golden ages have always been challenging times, not perfect ones. Challenges can stimulate us to do great things.
Last edited by Eric the Green; 05-03-2016 at 02:52 PM.
Eric as the GIs and then Silents left the work place the baton of "elder" was taken up by Aquarian Boomers. As much as I and other Xers might have challenged you and at times purposely pressed your buttons the fact remains that at this virtual water cooler you were always "Eric the lifer from Concept Development." Without dreamers the world would be a very dark and boring place.
Goodbye and thanks to all my allies and friends:
(we didn't agree always, but we were friends-- and we agreed a lot)
Marx and Lennon
Brian Beecher
Child of Socrates
Bad Dog
Tim Walker
And these, I think, are also my friends and/or somewhat-allies; correct me if I'm wrong:
Teacher in Exile
Earl and Mooch
And so long, to my esteemed adversaries and enemies, and best wishes to you too:
(some of you were on my ignore list, and some not, and some were sometimes)
(and I agreed with a few of you a lot, anyway)
Just Passing Through
James Glick/JDG66
Classic Xer
Bob Butler (former friend)
Odin (former friend)
Prince of Cats (former friend?)
Nihilist Moron/The Rani/Witchiepoo/Xer of Evil (former friend)
Justin 77?
Jordan Goodspeed
Cynic Hero 86
Appollonian, who did more than anyone ever to ruin this forum
If any of you take issue with being on either list, or not being on them, let me know.
Last edited by Eric the Green; 05-04-2016 at 09:39 AM.
And thanks to these, who were somewhere in between my allies and adversaries, and/or friends and enemies:
herbal tee
58 Flat
Felix 5
General Mung Beans
David Krein
Chase88 (mostly adversary)
Time Mage X
Jesse Manoogian
Pink Splice
Best wishes and thanks for your contributions
And to the departed ones-- and those who deserted this ship, or were voted off the island. I will miss you too.
William Strauss
Brian Rush (all of the above)
Zarathustra (friend)
Summer in the Fall
Hopeful Cynic 68 (adversary)
Tristan (thanks for starting the global warming thread!)
Marc Lamb (adversary)
Seadog66/Stonewall Patton (friend)
Lady Vagina (ally)
southern lady (adversary)
Gray Badger
Virgil K Saari
KaiserD2 (ally?)
Mr. Reed
haymarketmartyr (ally)
and others!
Last edited by Eric the Green; 05-04-2016 at 09:34 AM.
Good to see you explain yourself that you were not attacking. It is just you being you. Although interesting that you classify people into groups. I most certainly would not have considered you an enemy. Just an aggravating and unusual character that I struggle to read. My mind is always changing about different things all the time. I never leave the book closed. No I am not closed minded just I perceive the world in a different way than you do. Yours is shaped in a different way too. Life has lessons for all of us. You have been the most interesting character for me. I hope you will learn to be more civil and especially clear in future and keep in mind others perceptions in what you say and I will too. It would had been good if you had been clear that you were not meaning personal attacks on anyone. That is all it would have taken to get me to just question further and not get upset. Oh well.
1984 Civic
Introvert(69%) Sensing(6%) Feeling(19%) Judging(22%)
Btw Eric....I put a good word in for you to John to save a few threads you probably enjoyed. I asked him to save your beiber thread too. So, not always an enemy, my friend. I hope he saves it for you.
1984 Civic
Introvert(69%) Sensing(6%) Feeling(19%) Judging(22%)
I was a teen aged Trotskyite. If that were not bad enough ...
By the time I was in my late 20s, I was a globalony spewing "Flat World" early adopter, Thomas L. Freakman would have been proud. Those were my early through mid 90s Corporatist years where I voted for Bushton.
Some time around Y2K I got caught up in tin foil due to listening to too much hate radio and spending too much time at WND, Newsmax, VDARE, etc. I never became a 9/11 Truther but I did have a toe in the water of Atlanticist conspiricism. That was short lived - I snapped out of it during the early 00s and have been a Big Government Centrist with a few Liberaltarian sympathies, ever since.
Now for the story behind the story. My own twisted path was in many ways a case of starting out as a chip off the old hippie, followed by rebellion against him.
Later we reconciled. After his passing I found out he was probably a spook during the latter half of the 1950s, a flyer for secret CIA airlines one of which he actually owned! I think his transition to being a hippie must have been a reaction of some sort, triggered by the events of the early 1960s.
Eric, you keep things interesting and I still hope that a replacement forum can be established.
Anyway, I thought you might like this one.
That’s odd: Quantum entanglement mangles space and time
… “entanglement – or “spooky action at a distance”, in Einstein’s derisive phrase – is a consistent effect in the quantum world.
So that’s not the anomaly. The anomaly comes in what this tells us about our perception of space and time.”…
… “In the quantum world, our normal understanding of space-time, and cause and effect within it, dictated by our intuitive sense of how the world works, does not apply. There is something we are just not getting.”…
Great post Eric. Even though we didn't agree on a lot, I always enjoyed discussing the theory and politics with you. Our disagreements were always kept at the highest level and believe it or not you did change my mind on quite a few things. I hope I changed your mind on a few as well. I'm going to miss the place. Believe it or not the arguments here weren't half as bad as what I was used to on some of the other forums I frequented. I'll probably move to the new forum eventually, so maybe I'll see you guys there.
Last edited by Gianthogweed; 05-03-2016 at 08:07 PM.
'79 Xer, INTP
If one rejects laissez faire on account of mans fallibility and moral weakness, one must for the same reason also reject every kind of government action.
- Ludwig von Mises
Beware of altruism. It is based on self-deception, the root of all evil.
- Lazarus Long
If you look through this list, many were Trotskyites in their youths.
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.
Yeah, you're pretty cool even if astrology is largely nonsense![]()
Remember: correlation does not prove causation!
If a pattern emerges in the relationship between two things, we can't conclude that one caused the other. It's just as likely that some third, more powerful thing is acting on both of them in a similar way.
Give me alchemy, give me sorcery
Give me wizardry, thermatology
Electricity, master all of these
Those words, "temperate and moderate", are words either of political cowardice, or of cunning, or seduction. A thing, moderately good, is not so good as it ought to be. Moderation in temper, is always a virtue; but moderation in principle, is a species of vice.
'82 - Once & always independent
I hope to contact you on the new Forum.
Re:Appollonian... if there is a Forum Hell, then he belongs there. He put this Forum at the risk of a lawsuit, and even if the T4T Forum would have evaded a monetary settlement, being dragged into it would have been hard. I was thinking of suing Appollonian for slander or libel for what he posted about me. I'm not going into the details.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters