He accused me of being a homosexual child molester. Child molester -- I've been a public school teacher, even if 'only' a substitute. Nobody ever asked if I was a homosexual. I was subjected to a criminal record check for violence, child abuse and neglect, and drug offenses. If I were a homosexual teaching in the classroom I would no more bring it up than I would loving the music of J. S. Bach. Bach isn't for everyone, and neither is homosexuality.
This was soon after my mother died of Parkinsonism. I was terribly depressed, and that was the last thing that I needed. I was trying to get my father back into the world of the living, and I got him to go to church. In a session in which the preacher solicited the special concerns of health (typically heart disease, cancer, and injuries, maybe alcoholism)... I noticed that the youth minister wasn't busy. I went up to him and discussed the situation.
I discussed the libel by Apollonian and made clear that I had no problem with homosexuality. The issue was with child sexual abuse, which would be abominable irrespective of orientation. (Mainstream gays and lesbians have the same position; they have made that clear, and they have largely won respectability in America).
The youth minister and I concurred that if I was not a child molester, then I had no need to atone with God on that. But I did suggest that if one of my heroes, Dr. Martin Luther King, prayed for his enemies instead of cursing them, then maybe that was the mature approach. Praying for an enemy to be delivered from his wickedness seems far more godly, I suppose, than wishing that the enemy get a rattlesnake bite. We prayed for Apollonian, and we agreed that it would be a good idea for me to tell him in the Forum that we had so done. After all, Apollonian claimed to be a Christian.
I announced what I had done, praying for his deliverance from an obvious sin (false witness), and he mocked me. "Prayer meeting? You (homosexual smear excised)! Youth minister? God has no use for you (homosexual smear excised)!"
Last edited by pbrower2a; 05-06-2016 at 02:25 AM.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
One who follows the political teachings of Leon Trotsky. They are pure evil, worse even then liberal white upper-middle income boomers. And Eric.
Since we're all doing "truth" and "reconciliation"...I just want it on record that I don't hate Eric despite his claims to the contrary. I merely find him to be the distillation of everything wrong with his generation. All the worst tendencies and none of the virtues (what few there are) of an entire generation condensed into one man naturally will result in conflicts with a hard-line rationalist and materialist.
Most everyone else I've been fine with.
Last edited by Kinser79; 05-05-2016 at 07:24 AM.
Ahem. Eric is using a bad example !![]()
MBTI step II type : Expressive INTP
There's an annual contest at Bond University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term:
The winning student wrote:
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of shit by the clean end."
Dad broke his hip about five months ago. Since then his hip has come close to healing -- but he has become violent and abusive. He does not come home like that; it's just too dangerous. He threw a card table at nursing-home staff; he wrecked a record player. Last week I took the family dog to see him; he took the leash from me and started wrapping the leash around the dog's throat. Either the dog was going to get hurt or the dog was going to bite him.
Does anyone know about an entity known as "Barefoot Writer"? Copy-writing and copy-editing look like a good match for my talents. The business says that it offers a sort of boot-camp in Florida for promising writers (often people making career changes). One part is photography (apparently photography with the newfangled cameras is easy, but being able to explain why a photo is worth using is the tricky part). If I got that work it would solve every problem that I have.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
Kinser, your description of liberal upper-middle-class white Boomers as pure evil falls short of my idea of pure evil.
Sure, we are all hypocrites, but at least we liberals (ethnicity and class of no relevance to us) give a d@mn about right and wrong. None of the above qualifies as 'liberal'.
Last edited by pbrower2a; 05-05-2016 at 10:57 PM.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
Well, jeez, this "Truth and Reconciliation" thread went south.
Here's a song for you guys--a popular, Generation X, 3T ballad that probably Eric won't appreciate. I will miss this place
Oasis, "Don't Look Back in Anger" (1996)
Nomad Female
"Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere." --Mae West
Nomad INFP
"Sunday morning is every day for all I care, and I'm not scared...Now my candle's in a daze 'cause I've found God." --Kurt Cobain
1. Slavery has been over for over 150 years. Any Black person complaining about slavery or demanding reparations for it needs to find something else to do. Only 5% of all Americans are descended from slaver holders, and a minority of those are actually white. The current trend in liberal circles to hold all whites to the sins of persons who were born and died before their grandparents were even born is itself a racism of a high order.
2. Wounded Knee took place in the context of a war against native nations. In wars people die. To expect wars to magically end is idealistic and disingenuous. We've had this discussion before my views haven't changed on it.
3. Should have figured you'd work the Jews in somehow. Seriously you need to get that fetish checked out. Moreover, I highly doubt anyone here participated in the holocaust, and even if their parents or grandparents did (and mine certainly did not seeing as my grandparents on both sides fought the Germans in WW2) the sins of the fathers would not carry to their sons. Unless of course your goal is to perpetuate ethnic chauvinism.
4. Cambodia experienced a civil war, and in such war terrible things happened. Civil war isn't going away any more than war is. What White Middle Income Boomers don't realize is that these evils are largely a product of man's animalistic nature and will not be extracted by any known means of education, culture or politics.
I assure you that race/ethnicity and class do matter to liberals. Humans are tribalistic by their animalistic nature, this includes the naturally liberal minded (which is a minority actually). As such their hypocritical denial of their own nature paves the way for great evils.Sure, we are all hypocrites, but at least we liberals (ethnicity and class of no relevance to us) give a d@mn about right and wrong. None of the above qualifies as 'liberal'.
Nomad Female
"Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere." --Mae West
Nomad INFP
"Sunday morning is every day for all I care, and I'm not scared...Now my candle's in a daze 'cause I've found God." --Kurt Cobain
Yes well Eric has a knack for ruining everything he touches, and PBR has a knack for making even the most light hearted conversation depressing to the point that many contemplate self-slaughter after reading his posts. A leopard is just as likely to change his spots as those two are to change their general disposition.
I will miss it too, but I think with luck we will have a better place. It already only has one eye roll emoji instead of two. (That strangely always bothered me about this forum.)Here's a song for you guys--a popular, Generation X, 3T ballad that probably Eric won't appreciate. I will miss this place![]()
I prefer this one. Also I don't expect Eric to like it...cause I do.
Last edited by pbrower2a; 05-06-2016 at 03:41 AM.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
Yep which is why religion can be totally worthless to some who do not want to interpret the good if there is any and act on it. Glad to be an atheist (former wiccan....although wicca is one of the most peaceful religions i have encountered). Eric would like it i reckon. Hugs to you (or blessed be as i would have formally said!) so saddened to hear he put you throuh that.
Last edited by Taramarie; 05-06-2016 at 03:49 PM.
1984 Civic
Introvert(69%) Sensing(6%) Feeling(19%) Judging(22%)
As you surely know, slavery abolished in 1865 in the US probably does about as much harm to American blacks on the whole as slavery abolished about twenty years earlier in the British Empire, which itself after 150 or 170 years is practically nil. I am tempted to believe that Abraham Lincoln was going to imitate the British model of emancipation in America, which would have been far less costly than the Civil War. A twenty-year difference in the time of emancipation does not make the difference between black Americans of Jamaican origin and black American descendants of slaves in America. The difference is between British colonial policy in Jamaica and other Caribbean islands and Jim Crow in the American South. Yes, Jamaica is far poorer than even Mississippi... but gross differences between political rights and educational quality between blacks and whites in the South before the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes a huge difference. Jim Crow education was poor preparation for modern life.
The reality of the sources of Caucasian ancestry from before 1865 in American blacks is well understood to be largely from white people associated with ownership and management of the plantations through rape. Planters and their white progeny did much rape.
War is one thing. Massacres are very different. We reasonably expect war to be a slaughter, and in a perfect world, war would vanish. Deliberate killing of the vanquished is murder. American and British overkill from air raids in Germany and Japan may have approached the lethality of some of the worst fascist war crimes. Winning the peace so that one need no longer kill people in war or resistance depends upon the decision to treat the recently-defeated with kindness.2. Wounded Knee took place in the context of a war against native nations. In wars people die. To expect wars to magically end is idealistic and disingenuous. We've had this discussion before my views haven't changed on it.
Triviality. I simply showed an example of evil. What did the man being shot, let alone the murder victims already in the pit, do to deserve that? Something went very wrong in Germany between 1933 and 1945. Such is generally known as evil. Evil kills, steals, enslaves, and rapes. As someone about half German-American I cannot avoid recognizing much similarity in culture to the Ashkenazim. If I had to choose between identifying with Nazis and Jews I would choose the Jews who are far closer to my ethical values.3. Should have figured you'd work the Jews in somehow. Seriously you need to get that fetish checked out. Moreover, I highly doubt anyone here participated in the holocaust, and even if their parents or grandparents did (and mine certainly did not seeing as my grandparents on both sides fought the Germans in WW2) the sins of the fathers would not carry to their sons. Unless of course your goal is to perpetuate ethnic chauvinism.
I have taken down antisemitic trolls on the Web -- trolls that have assumed that I am Jewish because I am a smart liberal with a German-sounding surname. The Jews who may have been on the same forum with me could easily recognize that I am not Jewish because I did not know about Jewish holidays or talk about Jewish rituals or rites of passage, and especially when I made references to Dante's Inferno being too soft to describe what happens to Nazis in the wake of Divine Judgment. But I was OK. But it takes no particular heritage to detect bigotry, hypocrisy, and historical fraud to cut down a Holocaust denier.
It took me about a year to take one of these trolls down (this was about twenty years ago), but in the end I caught him claiming to defend Germans and German-Americans against Jewish vindictiveness. But he had been smearing me, and to my knowledge I have no Jewish ancestors going back to at least 1800. He had been lashing out at the very sort of person that he thought he was protecting. I exposed the harm that antisemitism can do to German-Americans when bigots make mistakes in identifying people as the Enemy.
The Khmer Rouge had already won the war. They did not need to kill so many people as they did. Their killings resembled those of the Nazis in cold calculation -- classify, collect, and murder "enemies of the People", hindrances to "socialist" progress. Animalistic killings? That is a male lion taking over a pride and killing the cubs so that the lionesses can go into heat. That is disordered serial killing, as by Andrei Chikatilo. The mass killings of the Khmer Rouge were very orderly, recorded as if the victims were accounting entries.4. Cambodia experienced a civil war, and in such war terrible things happened. Civil war isn't going away any more than war is. What White Middle Income Boomers don't realize is that these evils are largely a product of man's animalistic nature and will not be extracted by any known means of education, culture or politics.
It has been held that the Khmer Rouge got 'right' by Stalinist standards the 'need' to eliminate the bourgeoisie -- but they misinterpreted the word to mean 'city dwellers' instead of as business owners and their hangers-on.
Tribalistic? You ought to know what sort of women I dreamed of when I was in college.I assure you that race/ethnicity and class do matter to liberals. Humans are tribalistic by their animalistic nature, this includes the naturally liberal minded (which is a minority actually). As such their hypocritical denial of their own nature paves the way for great evils.
There's nothing tribalistic about liberalism. Alle Menschen werden Brüder is a very liberal concept.
Last edited by pbrower2a; 05-06-2016 at 10:28 AM.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
At you're age I'm surprised you haven't realized that every so-called Christian is in fact a hypocrite. If the goal is to be "christ-like" then all of them fail miserably. It is kind of hard to hold oneself up to a standard that is probably a myth. And would be a myth even if there were demonstrable evidence that a Jeshua-ben-Joseph of Nazareth were proven to exist.
The greatest evil is not now done in those sordid "dens of crime" (or) even in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered... in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by (those) who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
― C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters
I would argue the difference is in the presence of large numbers of both races. Having been to Jamaica, whites are a very small minoirty--after the end of colonization most of them left. The few who remain do constitute the very wealthy, but they have no where near the political power of whites in the US be it Mississippi or New York City. Furthermore the writings of Lincoln reveal that he favored repatriation to Africa. Indeed a whole country in Africa was set up to repatriate American Slaves.
That being said, you missed my point. The argumentation that Blacks in the US are owed anything for slavery is ludicrous. No one alive now ever held any slaves, indeed it would be difficult to prove they are even descended from those who held slaves, and even where it is provable we are talking about a removal from that generation to the present of at least three generations.
However, White Middle-Income Liberals would have you believe that slavery still effects blacks to this day. I can only conclude the reason they think this way is because they are indeed racists who view blacks as incapable of achieving anything without their help be it welfare or affirmative action. The soft bigotry of low expectations is very very very real.
Red herring. Even if every cross breeding between blacks and whites was the result of rape (and it wasn't, even if you use the wide expansion of the word rape that SJW types like these days--In before Odin calls me a reactionary yet again) it would still have nothing to do with the people who are alive now other than their DNA.The reality of the sources of Caucasian ancestry from before 1865 in American blacks is well understood to be largely from white people associated with ownership and management of the plantations through rape. Planters and their white progeny did much rape.
In a total war, which the Indian Wars were--for both sides, the concept of "civilians" does not exist. Or do you plan on arguing that Truman should not have vaporized Hiroshima and Nagasaki and in the process saving millions of lives both Japanese and American.War is one thing. Massacres are very different. We reasonably expect war to be a slaughter, and in a perfect world, war would vanish. Deliberate killing of the vanquished is murder. American and British overkill from air raids in Germany and Japan may have approached the lethality of some of the worst fascist war crimes. Winning the peace so that one need no longer kill people in war or resistance depends upon the decision to treat the recently-defeated with kindness.
Your fetish is hardly trivial. I find it very relevant to understanding my opponent. I suggest reading Sun Tzu sometime.Triviality.
Actually most religious Ashkinazim are quite culturally different from your run of the mill German. It is this that made them easy targets. That you feel blood guilt over something that happened before you were born, and committed by people who you probably only have distant genetic relations too shows either a level of self-hatred or the belief that evil is carried in the blood. That the sins of one's great grandfathers is carried on in the blood of the great grandson, and furthermore that one should be made to answer to crimes that happened long before they were born.I simply showed an example of evil. What did the man being shot, let alone the murder victims already in the pit, do to deserve that? Something went very wrong in Germany between 1933 and 1945. Such is generally known as evil. Evil kills, steals, enslaves, and rapes. As someone about half German-American I cannot avoid recognizing much similarity in culture to the Ashkenazim. If I had to choose between identifying with Nazis and Jews I would choose the Jews who are far closer to my ethical values.
Not even North Korea with its Three-Generations rule goes that far. And their view is severely flawed.
As to what constitutes evil we agree. Where we differ is that I view evil as coming from within an individual, that all humans have the capacity to be evil, and that the actions of one human do not condemn the life of his or her descendants. To take any other position is anti-humanist, anti-logical, and extremely regressive.
I have taken down antisemitic trolls on the Web -- trolls that have assumed that I am Jewish because I am a smart liberal with a German-sounding surname. The Jews who may have been on the same forum with me could easily recognize that I am not Jewish because I did not know about Jewish holidays or talk about Jewish rituals or rites of passage, and especially when I made references to Dante's Inferno being too soft to describe what happens to Nazis in the wake of Divine Judgment. But I was OK. But it takes no particular heritage to detect bigotry, hypocrisy, and historical fraud to cut down a Holocaust denier.
It took me about a year to take one of these trolls down (this was about twenty years ago), but in the end I caught him claiming to defend Germans and German-Americans against Jewish vindictiveness. But he had been smearing me, and to my knowledge I have no Jewish ancestors going back to at least 1800. He had been lashing out at the very sort of person that he thought he was protecting. I exposed the harm that antisemitism can do to German-Americans when bigots make mistakes in identifying people as the Enemy. [/quote]
Irrelevant. And the 1488ers are both insignificant and a non-threat. That you would focus on an insignificant group of internet trolls tells me that you are either easily trolled (which I know to be the case from this very forum) or that you lack focus to identify enemy groups that are a threat and enemy groups that can be safely ignored.
The Khmer Rouge believed that they were waging a socialist revolution. In that, they were wrong because their ideology while maybe revolutionary had very little of the theory of Marx, Engels, Lenin or Stalin contained within it. The very idea of re-setting the country to build it up again only makes sense if one views industrial production has inherently evil--which is totally counter to the writings of Marx. Production is merely production, it is humans who use the goods of that production for what is considered good or evil.The Khmer Rouge had already won the war. They did not need to kill so many people as they did. Their killings resembled those of the Nazis in cold calculation -- classify, collect, and murder "enemies of the People", hindrances to "socialist" progress. Animalistic killings? That is a male lion taking over a pride and killing the cubs so that the lionesses can go into heat. That is disordered serial killing, as by Andrei Chikatilo. The mass killings of the Khmer Rouge were very orderly, recorded as if the victims were accounting entries.
It has been held that the Khmer Rouge got 'right' by Stalinist standards the 'need' to eliminate the bourgeoisie -- but they misinterpreted the word to mean 'city dwellers' instead of as business owners and their hangers-on.
Even so, in every revolution, be it the French, the American, the Russian or the Cambodian those forces that are acting counter to that revolution are either expelled or liquidated. This happens in every case without exception. As Robspierre said "Either the King is right and the revolution is wrong, or the revolution is right and the King is wrong."
Unless you have a fetish for the exotic, like I do--since I only am interested in white men and in my case would be 'exotic', then you would likely fantasize about females of your own race, and if they were in college most likely your own class. It doesn't get more tribalistic than that in the American context.Tribalistic? You ought to know what sort of women I dreamed of when I was in college.
It is a liberal concept. It is also impossible idealism. All men will only be brothers when all tribes are reduced to a single tribe. Given the nature of humanity to split itself off into in-groups and out-groups this will never happen. I'm sorry but I have little interest in the impossible fantasies.There's nothing tribalistic about liberalism. Alle Menschen werden Brüder is a very liberal concept.
" ... a man of notoriously vicious and intemperate disposition."