-No. No more than if Blacks tend to vote a certain way (which you've already admitted they do. As a matter of fact, Blacks tend to be more monolithic, which, using your logic, makes them even more racist. An argument for Black racism in voting might be reasonable, considering the number who voted for Obama simply because he was Black. Or part Black. Or whatever.
-No it isn't. It's reasonable, given that part of Obama's appeal was his supposed intellectual brilliance. If Bush and Kerry (and Gore, IIRC) could release their college transcripts, why not the Teleprompter-in-Chief?
1) Thta's yet to be proven;
2) Blacks overwhelmingly vote for the Donkeys because they are Playdude's "Sheeple": Backwards, envious, and looking for scapegoats for their inability to succeed in a free market economy.
1) We know that Fauxahontas claimed to be part Indian. That's undeniable. We also know they were looking for tokens. That's undeniable. We now also know that her claim was 100% B.s. That's undeniable.
2) Prove that either one of them is smart or hard working. Heh! I know, a look Obama's transcripts would be a nice start!
-He's an empty suit how got elected POTUS on his ability to read a teleprompter, his supposed (and unproven) intellectual power, and some peoples' delusion that electing the guy who sat in an anti-American race baiters' pews for 20 years in office would bring racial harmony. Before that, a Black constituency seems to have voted for him because he was Black, and he moved up because he was tolerant of Chicago corruption.
-They're all facts that proggies find impossible to rebut because they're true.
Atwater clearly stated that if Elepehants tried to appeal to racism, it wouldn't work the way it did when Donkeys did it:
Atwater has already said several times during the interview that race is no longer a significant element in Southern politics. Here, he specifically disclaims agreement with the proposition that Reagan’s policy positions contained a subconscious appeal to racial prejudice. That was Professor Lamis’s suggestion, not his. But he goes on to make the argument that even if some voters draw a subconscious connection between, say, cutting the food stamp program and race, the absence of any specifically racial appeal shows what a minor factor race has become in Southern politics:
But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract and that coded, then we’re doing away with the racial problem one way or another. You follow me? ‘Cause obviously sitting around saying, we want to cut taxes, we want to cut this, and we want–is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than nigger, nigger. So any way you look at it, race is coming on the back burner.
Liberals like Martin Bashir cite this interview for the proposition that Republicans skillfully conceal appeals to racism in seemingly innocuous policy discussions. Obviously, Atwater said nothing of the sort. And he declined to agree with Professor Lamis’s suggestion that Reagan’s talk about cutting programs like legal services and food stamps “gets to” the racist side of the George Wallace voter, albeit unconsciously. “I’m not saying it.” What Atwater did say, repeatedly and unambiguously, is that racial prejudice no longer plays a significant role in Southern elections, and that Reagan won the South in 1980 on the same issues with which he swept the rest of the country: the economy and national defense.
Tim Scott's election proves that Whites are now more than happy to vote for a Black man who isn't a Libtard. It shows that as the South has given up racism, it has become Republican.
The case of NYC's Irish Donkey's committing murder, theft, and arson, shows that what hasn't changed since the 1860s is that the Demorats are still the party of the envious, ignorant loser, ready to use violence (in a rather incomptetent fashion) vs. anyone that their masters can point to as a scapegoat. Prediction: The next big riot in America will by perpetrated largely by the members of one of teh Donkey Party's constituencies.
The rest seems to be Playdude's ignorance of history impotent howls of pain .
-PW's spent the last seven and a half years arguing otherwise, including the post I responded to.