Originally Posted by
The Wonk
Let's lay it out.
In a three-phase old saeculum you have:
1T: Prophets as adored kids, artists as active conforming young adults, heroes as leading "lets build it" elders. Nomads are completely out of the picture.
2T: Nomads as neglected kids, prophets as hell-raising young adults, artists as wishy-washy leaders, no heroes.
3T: Heroes as scheduled kids, nomads as increasingly protective young adults, prophets as prophetic leaders, no artists.
4T: Artists as scared kids, heroes as "lets get it done" adults, nomads as leaders. Hmmm. I see the problem.
In the three phase saeculum as I've proposed it, the three phases are:
Elderhood (54-80)
Primacy (27-53)
Youth (0-26)
Those in the Primacy phase don't lend themselves well to the description of "young adults" overall as usually thought of when discussing the standard four phase dynamic.
In fact, I see the Primacy phase as being more powerful within the trilogical dynamic than any phase is in the tetralogical one. By the end of a War Crisis setting for example (after the generations had just about fully filled the life phases) the Primacy Heroes would include senior grunts, tactical manager/leaders, and secondary strategic leaders. These are roles filled today by mid-to-old Rising Adults AND Midlifers AND young Elders respectively (the young Elder role included because of shortened life span in premodernity). That's one POWERFUL stage.
Meanwhile the Youth would have included young grunts and scared kids and the Elders would've included senior strategic leaders and the dependent aged.
I will flesh this out even more when I submit a more detailed account of my proposed trilogical dynamic. Mike A. has correctly requested that I do so. I am very busy these days but will likely have an opportunity next week.
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.