Originally Posted by
Devil's Advocate

Originally Posted by
William Jennings Bryan

Originally Posted by
Mike Alexander
S&H's mechanism involves the interaction of people with history (turnings) to produce the generations. That is, history creates generations.
However, unless this event repeats every four generations, the cycle dies out like the Exodus and Trojan War generations did. How does it repeat?
In the three phase saeculum as I've proposed it, the three phases are:
Elderhood (54-80)
Primacy (27-53)
Youth (0-26)
- "Presidents Wilson, Roosevelt and Johnson obtained the power to take us into war by promising not to take us into war (in the elections of 1916, 1940 and 1964)." -- Garry Wills (1973 New York Times book review of Schlesinger's The Imperial Presidency
Wills' quote contains a number of well-known and accepted facts that can be easily transposed upon Sean Love notion in direct relation to the Alexander question. Consider the following:
- Ground Zero 1916
Elderhood (54-80) Wilson
Primacy (27-53) FDR
Youth (0-26) LBJ
Ground Zero +24 years1940
Elderhood (54-80) FDR
Primacy (27-53) LBJ
Youth (0-26) Captain in Vietnam
Gound Zero +48 years 1964
Elderhood (54-80) LBJ
Primacy (27-53) Captain in Vietnam
Youth (0-26) Captain in Iraq
When one considers that all these men were liberal Democrats, that all shared a mutual admiration for their party's elder leader at the time, and that all lied about the serious matter of war in a time of peace, a certain point should be taken seriously.
That point is that history does repeat in mysterious ways.
- "Mr. Schlesinger's book cannot deal with these problems. He admits that Franklin Roosevelt stretched the Constitution by giving destroyers to England and posting troops in Iceland; but that is condoned because the people did not know yet that it was a good war - i.e., one they would come in time to approve. Nixon supported a bad war." -- Garry Wills
But I'm not holding my breath waiting for any liberal Democrats today to acknowledge that point, or even Garry Wills' point for that matter.

Interesting. Misplaced. But interesting.
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.