Re: "The Liberal Imagination"

Originally Posted by
Devil's Advocate
[To Mike Alexander]
Frankly I find your methods of defining those parameters to be sadly lacking at best, at worse they are offensive, trite and typically partisan.
Perfect projection. Simply beautiful. One can easily visualize you staring at a mirror here.
How in the world you would actually think that I, as a conservative,
And has been discussed a number of times already, it is a matter of serious dispute whether you and yours even qualify as "conservatives." You and your fellow Bush supporters are Progressives. If it is held that a conservative is by definition a Traditionalist, then a conservative cannot also be a Progressive (and thus cannot be a Bushbot). You and your type who voted for Carter in 1980 and only came around to Reagan in 1984 are almost always afflicted with this dishonest form of Progressivism which cloaks itself in conservative garb and draws false distinctions with other Progressives. Not only do you habitually give Christianity a black eye at this site, but conservatism as well.
would just glibly accept that trashing First Amendment freedoms is an inherent part of my conservative nature is a bit beyond me. And yet you actually dare to claim that most people are conservative, while never stopping to consider that if this were actually true, as you define it, there would be no First Amendment in the first place! Never mind that it would actually survive the test of time.
Nothing but typically inconsequential gibberish above if conservatives by definition cannot also be Progressives. If a Progressive cannot be a conservative, then you cannot be a conservative.
I do not find it the least bit surprising that the guy who just accused me of supporting Trotskyites ended up airbrushing what I write from this website. It is a time-honored tradition among those on the left to invoke the Nonpersons Act whenever they get hot under the collar. And then these so-called "lovers of tolerance" have the nerve to turn around and accuse "conservatives" of posing a danger to Free Speech.
If you support neoconics, then you in fact support Trotskyites. That is just a fact so why continue to argue about it? The rest of the passage above is just more bizarre ranting (focused deliberately on irrelevancies intended as distractions) and I cannot address it because I could not bring myself to finish reading it.
So forget the "weight" problem altogether, I agree, adding any more "bias" into your method of discerning political cycles, that is heavy with bias already, doesn't make any sense.
I am sure that Mike will give you a big "okey-doke" here.
"Monsieur Douchebag, what would you like on your salad?"
"What went unforeseen, however, was that the elephant would at some point in the last years of the 20th century be possessed, in both body and spirit, by a coincident fusion of mutant ex-Liberals and holy-rolling Theocrats masquerading as conservatives in the tradition of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan: Death by transmogrification, beginning with The Invasion of the Party Snatchers."
-- Victor Gold, Aide to Barry Goldwater