Missionary (0.74/yr)
Swami Vivekanda (b 1863) - Ramkrishna Vendata Society
Eudorus Bell (b 1866) - Assembly of God
(b 1866) - Thomas Tsugi flourished
Georgii Gudshiev (b 1870) - Gurdjieff
Makiguchi (b 1871) - Soka Gakkai
Wallace Dodd Fahd (b 1871) - Nation of Islam
Sri Aurobindo (b 1872) - Integral Yoga
(b 1873) - Therese of Lisieux flourished
Charles Parham (b 1873) - Pentacostalism
William Saddler (b 1875) - Urantia
Edgar Cayce (b 1877) - Association of Research & Enlightenment
Frank Buchman (b 1878) - Moral Re-Armament
Guy Ballard (b 1878) - I AM
Ngo Minh Chieu (b 1878) - Cao Daism
Rev Jealous Devine (b 1880) - Int'l Peace Movement
Joeseph Moscati (b 1880) - Saint/Beatified
George Hensley (b 1880) - Snake Handlers
Lost (1.22/year)
Eberhard Arnold (b 1883) - Bruderhof
H Spencer Lewis (b 1883) - Rosicrucians (AMORC)
Phineas Breeze (b 1883) - Church of Nazarene
Gerald Gardner (b 1884) - Wicca
Victor Tasho Houteff (b 1885) - Branch Davidians
Ernest Holmes (b 1887) - Religious Science
Padre Pio (b 1887) - Saint/Beatified
Isidore Bakunja (b 1887) - Saint/Beatified
Marcus Garvey (b 1887) - Universal Negro Improvement Assoc
(b 1888) - Jose Maria Robles Hurtado flourished
Howard Rand (b 1889) - Christian Identity
Armee Semple McPherson (b 1890) - Foursquare Gospel
Kyososama (b 1891) - Shinreikyo
Theresa Benedicta of the Cross (b 1891) - Saint/Beatified
Herbert Armstrong (b 1892) - Worldwide Church of God
Paramahausa Yogananda (b 1893) - Self-Realization
Merwan Irani (b 1894) - Meher Baba
Maximilian Kolbe (b 1894) - Apparition of Mary in Poland
Mamillian Kolbe (b 1894) - Apparition of Mary in Poland
Cornelius Van Til (b 1895) - Christain Reconstructionist
William Wilson (b 1895) - Alcoholics Anomonous
Swami Prabhupada (b 1896) - Hare Krishna
GI (1.04/year)
Okada Kotama (b 1901) - Sukyo Mahikari
Josemaria Escrivia (b 1902) - Opus Dei
Watchman Lee (b 1903) - The local Church
Earl Blighton (b 1904) - Holy Order of MANS
Ernest Norman (b 1904) - Unarius Academy
Edel Mary Quinn (b 1907) - Likely Saint candidate
Helen Schumann (b 1909) - Course in Miracles
William Branham (b 1909) - Branhamism
Mother Theresa (b 1910) - Likely Saint candidate
Kirby Hensley (b 1911) - Universal Life Church
L. Ron Hubbard (b 1911) - Scientology
Charles Dederich (b 1913) - Synanon Church
Jose Silva (b 1914) - Silva Mind Control
Alphonsa of India (b 1916) - Likely Saint candidate
Victor Weirwille (b 1916) - The Way
Dennis Bennet (b 1917) - Charismatics
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (b 1917) - Transcendental Meditation
Mark Prophet (b 1918) - Summit Lighthouse
Oral Roberts (b 1918) - Latter Rain
David Berg (b 1919) - Children of God
Sir George King (b 1919) - Altherius Society
Sun Myung Moon (b 1920) - Unification Church
Prabhat Sarkar (b 1921) - Anada Yoga Society
Bill Bright (b 1921) - Campus Crusade
Paul Twitchell (b 1922) - Eckankar
Silent (1.28/yr)
Noel Stanton (b 1926) - Jesus Army
Donald Walters (b 1926) - Anada Self Realization
Sathya Baba (b 1926) - Shirdi Sai Baba
Marshall Applewhite (b 1927) - Heaven's Gate
Chuck Smith (b 1927) - Calvary Chapel
Roy Masters (b 1928) - Foundation of Human Understanding
Yogi Bhajan (b 1929) - Sikh Dharma
Martin Luther King (b 1929) - Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Pat Robertson (b 1930) - Christian Coalition
Edgar Mitchell (b 1930) - Institute of Noetic Sciences
Anton LeVay (b 1930) - Church of Satan
John Africa (b 1931) - MOVE
Chimoy Kumar Ghose (b 1931) - Sri Chinmoy
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (b 1931) - Rajneeshism
Jim Jones (b 1931) - Peoples Temple
Joseph Kibwetere (b 1932) - Restoration of 10 Commandments
John Wimber (b 1934) - Vineyard
John-Roger (b 1934) - Movement of Inner Spiritual Awareness (MSIA)
Yahweh ben Yahweh (b 1935) - Nation of Yahweh
Robert de Grimston (b 1935) - The Process
Leonard Orr (b 1938) - Rebirthers
Albert Jones (b 1939) - Adidam
Bill McCartney (b 1940) - Promise Keepers
Boom (0.94/yr)
Paul Harrison (b 1945) - Scientific Pantheism
Master Charles (b 1945) - Synchronicity Contemporary Meditation
JZ Knight (b 1946) - Ramtha
Claude Vorilhan (b 1946) - Raelian Religion
Deepak Chopra (b 1947) - Mind-Body Medicine
Luc Jouret (b 1947) - Order of the Solar Temple
Mike Aquino (b 1949) - Church of Set
Hue Dang Trinh (b 1950) - Suma Ching Hai
Rodney Howard-Browne (b 1952) - Toronto Blessing
Li Hongzhi (b 1952) - Falun Gong
Kip McKean (b 1952) - Boston Church of Christ Revivial
Bill Hybels (b 1952) - Willow Creek
Steve Hill (b 1954) - Brownsville Revival
Monte Kim Miller (b 1954) - Concerned Christians
Asahara Shoko (b 1955) - Aum Shinriyko
Hon-Ming Chen (b 1956) - Chen Tao
Guru Maharj Ji (b 1957) - Divine Light Mission
Thanks Mike. Is that a book you have in your possession or is there a link?
I got it from the Western Michigan University library.