> 5th Turnings
> According to GD, when the crisis in the 4th turning doesn't
> materialize or doesn't climax, the nation then enters a 5th
> turning, where the danger of a crisis remains. Let's see, what are
> some qualities...
> We know there are increased suicide bombings from Muslim
> countries. This means increased self-sacrifice during a time of
> relative "peace." Suicide bombers only make up a small proportion
> of the population, but still, this indicates a higher amount of
> fanaticism. There is also a quasi-1st turning alignment: Nomads in
> elderhood, Heroes in mid-life, young adult Artists, and child
> Prophets. However, there is a difference: Without an end to the
> crisis, the generations don't fit into the Fourth Turning diagonal
> model:
> I suppose that there is a possibility of the feeling of an upbeat
> 1T as Nomads and Heroes control society; but in a 5T the danger
> lurks, and any sense of the 1T should be false. How will a society
> react to problems? It's hard to tell. At this moment (in my
> opinion, of course) our 5T countries are: Ireland, Mexico,
> portions of West Africa, Turkey, portions of eastern Europe,
> Russia, Morocco, Greece, Saudi Arabia, and possibly South Africa.
> Justin '77 concludes that the Russian people have reacted to
> recent incidents in a calm and collected manner, and the "evil
> empire" overtones we continually hear in the West simply don't
> reflect the true situation.
> What conclusions can we draw? What reactions should we expect?
> There has been very little research on this matter, so it's
> difficult to analyze.
> Just thinking off the top of my head...