> A datum potentially missed -- the history books never mentioned
> this!
> The Fronde (sling) was an internal revolt/civil war in France,
> breaking out immediately upon the Peace of Westphalia (and
> probably precipitated by it). It was the direct cause of the
> absolutism of the Sun King 1T (Louis XIV / Cardinal Mazarin), as
> it involved crushing the nobility and middle class. It lasted
> until 1652, although normality was not fully restored until 1653.
> The point here is that while simplified history texts imply that
> the 1T began across Europe in 1648... it ain't necessarily so.
> Only once the Fronde was done was France sufficiently exhausted to
> go into 1T. There was still theoretically 'war' with Spain on the
> Pyrenees and Belgian borders, but nobody really tried to do
> anything. This, too, is a 1T signal.
> It should be noted that the last major move in the Wars of the
> Three Kingdoms -- the surrender of Galway, Ireland -- also took
> place at this time. The English/Scottish/Irish civil wars that
> broke out in 1637 exhausted themselves without establishing any
> real structure for the Commonwealth so created -- which reverted
> within two years of Cromwell's death back to the House of Stuart.
> (The Glorious Revolution was thus the apex of a 2T movement for
> better governance; note how bloodless it was, where their own
> parents and grandparents had slaughtered each other over the same
> issues.)