Originally Posted by
Anthony '58 II
But don't the Democrats realize if they just STFU about this that they'll probably be the ones doing the eavesdropping themselves three years from now?
They should not make the same mistake the Republicans made when they shoved the no-third-term amendment into the Constitution because they were mad at FDR's being elected four times - a mistake that could very well come back to haunt the GOP in 2008 since they may not be able to find a candidate who would do as well as Bush if he were allowed to run again.
The issue isn't about wiretapping, it's about illegal wiretapping. Yes, the idiots out there on Fox News will say it's necessary to wiretap - maybe it is - but that's not the issue, it's the smokescreen. You still, under law, need to get a warrant, even retroactively, to do it.
That means that even in the "Oh my God they're gonna attack us right now" scenario, they can still wiretap, and then three days later get a warrant approved for that wiretap retroactively.
What the president, under the massaging of his minion Attorney General Gonzalez, is saying is that he doesn't need no stinkin' warrants. He doesn't care about no stinkin' laws. The 9-11 resolution gave him all the authority in the world to do whatever he wants in the War on Terror.
And that's why people are upset. They see it as a power grab. And that's why they don't like the idea of Sam Alito sitting on the bench nodding his head yes to future executive branch power grabs. True democrats (small d) want a government that functions, where different branches check the others power - where the Congress passes a law and the President obeys it.
Once that agreement between the branches is violated, and perhaps enabled by cronies on the Supreme Court or in the Legislative branch, then this isn't the USA anymore. This is Mexico. This is one party government masquerading as a functioning democracy. And that my friend, sucks.
"It's easy to grin, when your ship's come in, and you've got the stock market beat. But the man who's worth while is the man who can smile when his pants are too tight in the seat." Judge Smails, Caddyshack.
"Every man with a bellyful of the classics is an enemy of the human race." Henry Miller.
1979 - Generation Perdu