Originally Posted by
Peter Gibbons
As a LibNat, or as you would say, NatLib, what would be a concise summary of what you propose? I ask because I am also in the Lindian Center and am curious as to how another LibNat views this. What I've seen of your views so far are very different from mine even though we generally occupy a similar part of the spectrum.
My latest suggested scenario may indeed already be unfolding: Did you see Patrick Buchanan's latest column,
Churchill, Hitler and Gingrich? (It was in Sunday's
San Francisco Chronicle but probably ran earlier elsewhere).
In it, Buchanan ridicules the neocons' likening the Islamic extremists to Hitler - even going so far as to suggest that
diplomacy may be the answer to the current impasse over Iran and nuclear weapons.
Now imagine if say, Robert Scheer, rather than Patrick Buchanan, had written this same column, word for word - I can hear the Ann Coulters of this world now: "Wimp! Coward! Traitor! He's the new Lord Haw-Haw - hang him!"
But since Buchanan is a "conservative," he can get off with the reduced charge of "isolationism."
And what movement would be more likely to oust the entrenched conservatives - a movement led by Patrick Buchanan or a movement led by Cindy Sheehan?
Buchanan is a hell of a lot closer to national liberalism than Sheehan - that's for damn sure; in any event, isolationism arguably has considerable appeal for national liberals, on the grounds that the money now being spent policing the Middle East could be better spent elsewhere, domestically; but the message would have to be very carefully crafted in order for it to sway enough of the electorate to implement it.
What is really needed here is an open forum or journal of opinion where those of this political persuasion could hammer out a "party line" so to speak - with everything "on the table" except the apocalyptism subscribed to by the (neo-)conservatives and the appeasement favored by the left-liberals (I know such a thing does not yet exist - but isn't it better to light one candle than to curse the darkness?).