Originally Posted by
Rick Hirst
:!: I just got an instant e-mail from CNN indicating that Arafat has in fact, definitely, positively, actually died. This would be a good time to answer my question about Palestinian succession... John Xenakis once posted that he thought the death of Arafat would be the defining moment in a 4T transition in Israel. Any thoughts?
I'd like to tag on to this and J. Xenakis' thoughts:
You've stated that you think the rest of the Anglosphere is just a couple years behind us saecularly, and Continental Western Europe a couple of years behind them. Where do you saecularly place:
Russia? Some here say the "Great Patriotic War" was actually a 1T! I don't agree.
China? Did their 4T end in 1949 or with the horrible conclusion to the Great Leap Forward?
Japan? Many here are inclinded to think their 3T only began very recently.
The Middle East? Was the Iranian Revolution and the subsequent "Islamic Resurgence" a 2T as most here suspect?
The Balkans? J.X. is a strong proponent of WWI and the 90's conflict being 4T there.
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.