Hey, don't get me wrong, I'm not a big time Boomer basher. My generation has plenty of idiots in it as well. It just frustrates me to no end when I reflect. The last few weeks before this attack, we have been listening to Boomers argue over a social security "lock box". How do you think that this sounds to people my age who will never have or really care about (I'll take care of myself) social security? Meanwhile, we now see that the only "lock box" that really matters, our freedom, had been smashed right before our eyes. Please, I'm begging you Boomers to wake up and smell the rubble. Start protecting our (real) freedoms and stop looking at the world through rose colored John Lennon style glasses. I won't go so far as to blame you for this, but many in your generation my accept some of the blame. I have been expecting this and none of my friends were surpized. I'm just glad it wasn't worse. I think that if more people from my generation were in power, we would not be fighting (read pandering to comstituency groups) over social programs as much as getting real in the world that we live in. Maybe, I pray, things will change.
I think that you give my generation too much credit on the "heroic" side. I volunteered for Desert Storm, but I really didn't do anything heroic over there. I would go again if I didn't have two little kids and health problems now. A lot of my friends are wanting to go to war, but I think that would be true of any generation that has seen what we have seen over the last few days. I think that many in my generation are just a little too comfortable to volunteer to get themselves killed somewhere. My greandfather (WW II) was the kind of guy that I consider a real hero. If you would have known him, you could really see what I mean. Here is what my dad (a boomer) told me about my grandfather, "When I was a kid, I would look at him and men like him and think 'That's what I'll be like as a man. I can't wait to go up and be like him' but it never happened. I never became a man like those men. I understand now that they were unique".
My father is a good guy, but I know that he had to work at it a lot harder than my grandfather did. To him heroism came naturally, it dosen't come naturally to me or the men in my generation. I hope that we (with a few Millies) can find the reslove that we need.
Boomers are a generation that has so much talent that it leaves me in awe. But, like the quintesstial Boomer president Bill Clinton, it is talent laid waste by enormous self endulgence and superficiality. Please, as a fellow American, harness that talent and start to focus it with a clear head. Read a little FA Hayek (Road to Serfdom) or even Thomas Sowell (Conflict of Visions) and
try to understand. Enough inncoent lives have been laid at the alter of a generation that refuses to see the world as it is. It repeat, it's time to get real.
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Tom1971 on 2001-09-16 06:36 ]</font>