On 2001-11-16 20:13, Delsyn wrote:
4) Tools, either witting or unwitting, of tyrants around the world. They resent Western culture and particularly America because they view the West as a failed Utopia, a bankrupt culture that might have been perfect if only the right people were in charge ? them. After all, they?re the only ones who truly understand how the world works, they?re much smarter and better than the rest of us. These are the people for whom ?thoughtful Patriot? is a contradiction in terms. If you support America and American values they say, it?s only because you don?t know THE TRUTH ? luckily they?re here to give it to you.
They claim the downtrodden of the world are somehow ?purer? because they don?t seem to share Western values when in fact what they truly feel is that these people are raw clay with which to mold their Utopian visions. ?This time,? they say as they found their collective farms and write 5-year production plans, ?this time we?ll get it right.?. These people aren?t really ?pro? anything as much as they are ?anti? everything but themselves.
The real world is messy and progress moves forward in fits and starts. As I?ve mentioned America is hardly perfect but the America of 2001 is better than the America of 1981 which is better than the America of 1881 which is better than the America of 1781. And any of those Americas are better than Afghanistan under Omar, China under Mao, Panama under Noriega Cambodia under Pol Pot or Uganda under Idi Amin. Real progress isn?t good enough for these folks, though, they want it all now. In their mind America can?t ever be as good as her PR, so anything else must be better and anything that hurts America is just peachy for them. How else do you explain a prominent Canadian feminist who just a few years ago stated to the UN that the only time she might support military force would be for toppling the Taliban only to reverse herself when it looked as if America might actually do it? Better that the women of Afghanistan remain abused chattel than America be seen as a liberator!
People like this who seem to dominate the chattering classes in the media and our cowardly Hollywood celebrities (like Richard Gere, Liza Minelli or Oliver Stone has EVER said anything intelligent regarding foreign policy) are twisting around in fits because genuine proponents of peace that they like to associate themselves with but have a hard time understanding with have come out in support of America?s actions.