On 2002-04-04 10:53, Marc Lamb wrote:
Questioning your sanity... on the Israeli v. Palestinian conflict??? Certainly I don't find it a bit odd that Socialists, and leftists in general, find themselves on the same side of those who throw human kiddie-bombs at fellow human beings (afterall, it's for the children). And yes, I question the sanity of those who see no difference between these so-called "freedom fighters" and the Israeli people. I mean, sixteen year-old "freedom fighters" strapping themselves with bombs in order to kill as many men, women and children as possible? Sounds worthy of "martyrhood" to me.
Ok, go ahead and remind me of American "imperial" designs, Dresden, Hiroshima, My Lai, and all the rest. I know it well... Americans are filthy, rotten baby-killers too.
I guess that my Marxist
self is no different.
And yes, there are suicide bombers. However, Israel has retaliated by killing people who are NOT engaged in violence.
<font color="blue">"Last night the Israeli Military tried to kill me. I'm staying in the Al Azzeh refugee camp, in Bethlehem, along with about twenty other international civilians. We're here to act as human shields, because we've heard an Israeli invasion is imminentOn the hill above the camp is a Israeli military sniper's post. The main street that runs down the village is in plain sight of the snipers' post. To get where we were staying in the village, most of us had to cross this street. It was a quick, low, dash across the street. As I ran, the sniper fired. I heard at least six shots fired in the short distance I ran, exposed. The shots began as I came into view, and stopped shortly after I made it to the other side. They were clearly aimed at me. And, by the sound of them, they were close. All night long, there was the sound of gun shots, as the military shot into our village. We stayed clear of the windows. Some of the windows were blocked with sandbags. The gun and bullets were, no doubt, paid for by my tax dollars. Which is, of course, why we are here."
" I am an American student from the University of Minnesota. I currently am in Ramallah. We are under a terrible siege and people are being massacred by both the Israeli army and armed militia groups of Israeli settlers. ..On Thursday afternoon, the Israeli army began sealing off each entrance to RamallahThose traveling in began desperately searching for alternative ways and traveling in groups, but the Israelis were firing upon them and everyone was running and screaming. Women carrying their children were trying desperately to flee from Ramallah, carrying infants and toddlers, and their young children were running along in the rain through the fields, slipping and falling on the rocks, trying to reach safety. Israeli jeeps were speeding across the terrain pulling up from every direction and shooting at the women and children, and also at me, as we ran in opposite directions. They were chasing down people, hunting them like that in the fields."
PHILLIPS: "I'm just curious, have you -- did you take the opportunity to say to Yasser Arafat, why not come and condemn what is going on, come out and make a statement in Arabic because that is what the President of the United States is just asking for?"
SHAPIRO: "President Arafat has done this repeatedly. I understand Arabic. I read the newspapers and I listen to the TV stations here. President Arafat, after every terrorist incident, every suicide bombing, after every action, has condemned this loss of life, of civilian lives on both sides. The Sharon government, sometimes will apologize after it kills an innocent civilian, but it does not apologize for raping the cities and for going in and carrying out terrorist actions, going to house to house much like the Nazis did in World War II, going house to house to house tearing holes through the walls, roughing up people, killing people, assassinating people."
"The fact of the matter is that three times as many Palestinians have been killed, and a relatively small number of them were really militants. Most were civilians. Some hundreds were children In the course of the last year, we have had Palestinian terrorism but we have also had deliberate, overreactions by Mr. Sharon designed not to repress terrorism but to destabilize the Palestinian Authority, to uproot the Oslo Agreement, which he has always denounced, in a manner which contributed to the climate, that resulted in the killing of one of the two architects of the Oslo Agreement." </font>
Taking sides in this battle is entirely fruitless, as both sides has both its innocents and guilty. On the Palenstinian side of the conflict, there are suicide bombers, and on the Israeli side, there is the military, and some private militias that are shooting at, and killing women and children.
"The urge to dream, and the will to enable it is fundamental to being human and have coincided with what it is to be American." -- Neil deGrasse Tyson
intp '82er