Paprika peccavi :oops:Originally Posted by Mr. Thomas Fleming in [i
Paprika peccavi :oops:Originally Posted by Mr. Thomas Fleming in [i
Originally Posted by the more sober, less Trotskyite Hitchens
Originally Posted by Mr. Simon Jenkins in the [i
A bad attack of Beau Geste syndrome at our expense :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
The latest unpleasantness in the Lebanon will advance the :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: 's of democracy. King Numbers will be made to hold sway in the most recent of the progressively manufactured Shiastans.
The Xians (though not "real" Red Heifer Xians to be sure) will be the losers as will the Druse and the Sunni and the Secularists who hold representation not in accord with "one man, one vote" but in a more republican manner.
Children, how do Romantic Idealists pronounce and spell C-A-R-R-H-A-E, ? Derive!
(fi-as'kO) f-i-a-s-c-o, from the Old European for an alcoholic beverage bottle
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow:Originally Posted by Mr. Thomas Ricks in the Wa[i
It Looked Weird and Felt Wrong>>>Mr. Bush's Not-War
"Let them hate, as long as they fear!" :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
Crush Assyrian Skulls!
:arrow: :arrow: :arrow: The Kristol Nacht :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:Originally Posted by Mr. Glen Chancy
Iran: "We are calling for a cease-fire in Lebanon."
Syria: "To resolve the crisis in the region it is necessary to decree a ceasefire..."
USA: ...has cautioned Syria and Iran that they face further isolation if they try to scupper US-led attempts to get a ceasefire between Lebanon and Israel...
PS: The United States fought hard and won language in the final communique that excluded a call for an "immediate ceasefire"...
I was under the impression that it was to be an exchange of hostages taken on both sides. Israeli fighters for arab fighters. And the 5,000 arab lives-to-1 Israeli ratio is a fairly well-accepted one, by the standards set by the IDF itself...Originally Posted by Semo '75
Soldiers are captured. Particularly when they are picked up on the wrong side of a border ("It all started on July 12 when Israel troops were ambushed on Lebanon's side of the border with Israel..."). Just a nit, I suppose...Since the entire reason for Israel's show of force in Lebanon was to do enough damage to make Hizbollah think twice before kidnapping Israeli citizens in the future...
The whole moral foundation of the conflict is the manner in which people are killed. Hamas and Hezbollah are bad because they intentionally kill civilians, while Israel just accidentally kills civilians. However, Israel kills more Palestinian/Lebanese civilians than Hezbollah/Hamas kills Israelis. There's been something like 900 Lebanese civilian casualties this month - and this isn't even a conflict between Lebanon and Israel - it's between Hezbollah and Israel. It's like bombing Sicilian infrastructure to root out the Mafia ...Originally Posted by Justin '77
I'm not sure how that works when balancing the scales. Perhaps you can run it through your "1 Israeli for 5,000 Arabs" algorithm, Mr. 1977 ...
Inside the Green Zone
Originally Posted by Mr. Andrew Tilghman, who was a correspondent in Iraq for the military newspaper [i
Cast upon, not a Procrustian bed, but a Fristian couch
The WaPo consults the heirs of Freud. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
Ah yes, 'accidentally'.Originally Posted by Uzi
It was an 'accident' that Israeli planes bombed a house full of children twice. After all, "All those now in south Lebanon are terrorists who are related in some way to Hezbollah...". And the bombers, I'm sure, couldn't actually see the whites of their victims' eyes -- which makes it less reprehensible, somehow??
And they sure do "accidentally" kill a lot of people. And keep doing the same things over and over that end up "accidentally" killing people. At some point -- well past by now, certainly -- the killing of civilians is recognizable as a foreseeable consequence of those particular actions. Thus, a decision to take those actions, is a decision to kill innocents.
Say! Or maybe the bombs dropped themselves?
But if that's the case, maybe there is no Santa Claus! :oops: Oh my, how can I go on? Oh well, whatever. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:Originally Posted by Justin '77
The Forgotten Victims
Originally Posted by Mr. Scott. P. Richert
Clearing the East of Christianity: Ignorance, Oikophobia or Alienation from Christianity?
Originally Posted by Mr. Daniel Larison
I'm not sure most people know that Middle Eastern Christians exist. I wonder why the various churches - especially the Evangelicals and the Roman Catholics - aren't loudly proclaiming their existence and need for rescue? Back in my youth every church in the nation would have been at least taking up a collection for them.
I must admit this article came as an unpleasant surprise/reminder to me.
As for governments, it's no surprise they are ignoring/ignortant of this. Governments play balance of power and these are people without power. But why George Bush hasn't picked up on it and made it a moral crusade is the mystery of the decade, unless he is honestly not aware.
Thanks for posting this.
How to spot a shill, by John Michael Greer: "What you watch for is (a) a brand new commenter who (b) has nothing to say about the topic under discussion but (c) trots out a smoothly written opinion piece that (d) hits all the standard talking points currently being used by a specific political or corporate interest, while (e) avoiding any other points anyone else has made on that subject."
"If the shoe fits..." The Grey Badger.
that decadant F*CK..his whole american sub-culture is moraly BANKRUPT
we need to cover the chistian's asses in the middle east and just start getting out of Iraq....just help Isreal (if they don't go compleatly nuts-oid themselves...maybe just to keep them sane anyways)
The big problems is IRAN anyways we shouldn't have even gone into Iraq and just paid attention to IRAN, Iran is so nuts now they want to start a nuke war with us because thet think it will bring all the other nuke powers into it and so we will be wiped out even if they are wiped out
So what do you do if an Entire Government OF A Country STARTS thinging like a suicide bomber (as in a suicide country)
Don't assume that rhetoric is policy. Iran is a lot like North Korea. they are in a quasi-protected status, Iran due to oil and NK due to China, so they feel free to blather to their hearts content. Most of the blather is for home consumption.Originally Posted by purple-state extremist
That's not to say that we shouldn't keep a close watch on both. Blather and belligerence can get out of hand.
- BTW, I ran spell-check on the whole post, so the orignial and my quote differ a bit
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.
Ah, another Progressive blow against variety. If Eurasia cannot be reformed at least a forum might be 'fixed'! :wink: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:Originally Posted by Marx & Lennon
How do you run spell check when posting on the internet?Originally Posted by Marx & Lennon
I want people to know that peace is possible even in this stupid day and age. Prem Rawat, June 8, 2008
Go here, and download the toolbar. There are other tools, too.Originally Posted by The Wonkette
Marx: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies.
Lennon: You either get tired fighting for peace, or you die.
What does the toolbar do with carpents, sacricolist, sospital?Originally Posted by Marx & Lennon
Would it be a needful thing for Yo. Ob. Sv.?
You're too funny. :lol:Originally Posted by Virgil K. Saari
I want people to know that peace is possible even in this stupid day and age. Prem Rawat, June 8, 2008
All the talk of cease-fire is a diplomatic smokescreen on both sides. Syria and Iran want a hiatus to dig in and resupply Hizbollah, Israel wants to inflict more damage on their enemies, ideally to destroy them as a force and at lease to press them much further back, and to send a message to Tehran and Damascus.Originally Posted by Justin '77
America is on Israel's side in this, and it looks very much as if France might actually be, as well, or at least not averse to seeing Hizbollah take some more damage. The current UN resolution looks like more of the same pretended, wink-and-a-nod effort.
Millennials work together in Irak project! :cry: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:
Originally Posted by Mr. Geo. W. Bush, POTUS
Cole Contra BushOriginally Posted by Mr. Juan Cole