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Last edited by Wiz83; 11-22-2009 at 06:25 PM.
I think you should now identify a part that would carry an action plot, put your characters in the middle of it, get a four-book story arc going, and let me know when you sell the series.
Pat, avid science fiction fan
And it will be another besides my Mammaloids Future History
Not to mention 'Babylon 5'.
... or the Star Trek franchise, although in fact ST actually works quite well here. On your timeline, James T. Kirk and his gallant crew would be Galactics (Heroes)... although McCoy and Scotty could be late-wave Titans (Nomads). The Original Series' Five Year Mission (2266-71) would take place during a High... which fits in well with your galactic exploration New World Order.
Some version of The Wars Of The Planets seems to have occurrred on Christopher Pike's watch on Enterprise in the 2250s... remember the awful battle on Rigel X that supposedly occurred just prior to the events of "The Menagerie/The Cage"? Was there a Federation Civil War? That would explain the lingering animosities between the Vulcans, Tellarites and Andorians in the second-season "Journey To Babel" episode.
I assume Barton dies 2265?
Oh yes sorry, I just noticed that mistake. Thanks for pointing it out though.Originally Posted by Tom Mazanec
Great job applying the model kid. Show this to Strauss andOriginally Posted by Wiz83
Howe. Does anyone remember Star Trek? :wink:
In The Universe series (Liquid Universe) it was mentioned that Brown Dwarves seem to be almost as common as stars. In color they would actually look like a "cherry orange - red."
Brown dwarves described.
I have had a theory that the Golden Ratio which is part of the Fibonacci Sequence which is the cyclical building block of the Known Universe is by the saeculum exists. The Golden Ratio is part of observed galaxies' shape to the formation of seashells. This spinning of galaxies and maybe the Known Universe is the same power that spins generations and the saeculum.
Initially, the questions I ask when reviewing any saeculur event: What did the decision makers know about the cyclical time, when did they know it, and how did they act on that knowledge? Then I can ask the question, "what was their purpose?" I take extra special notice when reviewing events before Generations was released by Strauss-Howe.
I LOVE the Golden Ratio! Don't know why, but I'm drawn to to it. I have even designed a house built around the ratio with the assumption that seeing it and living in it would be a kind of ultimate Fung Sui experience! Now if I could just build it and live in it to see ...
" ... a man of notoriously vicious and intemperate disposition."
How to spot a shill, by John Michael Greer: "What you watch for is (a) a brand new commenter who (b) has nothing to say about the topic under discussion but (c) trots out a smoothly written opinion piece that (d) hits all the standard talking points currently being used by a specific political or corporate interest, while (e) avoiding any other points anyone else has made on that subject."
"If the shoe fits..." The Grey Badger.
Detection of lower mass brown dwarves. If brown dwarves should follow the same pattern as stars, then lower mass (and fainter) brown dwarves will be more abundant than higher mass brown dwarves. So could one lurk relatively close to our solar system, yet remain undetected due to its low luminosity?