Welcome back to the Fourth Turning forums.
Some of you may be wondering what happened. It's a long story.
There was a major security hack against the site, so our former web host suspended the account. Then the web host would not respond for 10 days with information regarding the incident. Only after I decided that we had to move to a new host did I hear from the old one.
Even so, I still do not know the precise nature of the attack against these boards. So, you will notice a few of the site's features are not currently active.
HTML code has been turned off. I am not currently allowing avatars. Registration is going to require a visual confirmation that one is not a spambot and affirmative approval by me. I have added other password protection behind the scenes. The pre-July 2001 archived forums are not active at the moment.
You will also notice that only one theme works. I may add the other forum style in the future, but I wanted to keep things simple for now.
Let me know if you have any questions or if you see something that does not seem to be working quite right.
Thanks for your continued patience as we restart the site.
My best,
-- Craig