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... I have had to conclude that we have simply succumbed, like so many other nations of the past, to the temptations of superior power, and that nothing but a new series of setbacks is likely to make us reverse course.
I hate having to waste the decade of my fifties watching us sink lower and lower, but evidently, that is the way history works, and this seems to be the only way that we will produce the leadership we really need.
It is interesting that the writer, here, is a full-fledged liberal Democrat. History recalls the time when, before American began to "sink lower and lower," Democrats cornered the market on Congress and the Commander in Chief. For more than twenty years, from 1930 to 1952, Democrats owned Washington D.C., and transformed it from a dreary little town to the new dealin', vast industrial military complex that it became. When Truman finally turned the reigns of power over to a Republican, fully 70% of the nation's budget was earmarked for military and defense.
Somewhere in between Ike, and when Democrats finally ceded control of Congress to Republicans, in 1994 -- Nixon, or Reagan, I presume -- I would suppose the writer believes American began her downward slide to "lower and lower" depths. And with her slide, of course, sank the fortunes of liberal Democrats like David Kaiser.
Two strikingly downward trends, sinking seemingly on parallel paths.
But Kaiser has "high hopes," we might say. He firmly believes the Democrat's "future is with the Millennial generation," and has quite plainly said so.
Given the nature of previous "fourth turnings," I am left to conclude that Kaiser's new generation of liberals will be poised to embrace confiscatory taxes and near stifling military budgets, with Kaiser himself cheering every increase, not to mention his approving the loss of liberty to military conscription.
But, of course, this isn't the future Kaiser's liberal Democrats are dreaming of at all. Quite the opposite is what they have in mind. Quite the opposite from our previous FDR New Dealin' Democrat dominance is what they'd like to see. No, instead of a renewal of the Great Power turning, they dream of no more "militant Evangelical... crusade for democracy" ala FDR's
Four Freedoms.
If history repeats, it would appear Kaiser's liberal friends believe one of two things: No more Hitlers or Stalins will threaten the world of tomorrow, or America herself is the Great Satan of the future.
Selecting either choice, of course, is why liberal Democrats themselves seem to "sink lower and lower" every single day.