Originally Posted by
Cynic Hero '86
I too see that america if it continues in it's current direction would lead to disaster; however there is another way, the way of greatness, sacrifices would be requiered, but that is expected in 4T's. We need a combination of Caeser, Diocletian, and the New Deal, strong-willed leadership that would use the country's resources for the good of the nation. We need to recognize and respect the newfound great power status of such countries as china and India and their natural spheres of influence. I agree that our current position is untenable, therefore the route of autarky and militarization is the logical solution to preserve a decent way of life without relying on corporate plunder and the goodwill of the other powers. We need to retool our economy away from services and backed toward fixed capita infrastructure. Self-reliance should be our goal, and if we do not flinch from that goal, our nation would once again be the energetic nation that we had before about 1972 or so instead of the bloated nation we currently are.
I agree with you about us being on the wrong course, and disagree with Finch that America can't be a force for good in the world. But I can't buy off on a path of autarky and militarization. I'll write more on that when I get the chance.
Also, do you really think Caesar and Diocletian are good models?!? The first represents the death of the Roman Republic and the second represents the calcification of the later Empire. I myself would rather we remain a flexible republic.
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.