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First we learn that our own intelligence agencies believe Iraq has bettered the cause of anti-American terrorism in the world (I mean wouldn't the anti-Soviet cause in Afghanistan have given a clue of what was to come?).
Now we learn that the majority of the American people blame Dubya for not capturing Osama bin Laden.
Maybe if he had spent $300 billion fighting our more pressing enemies and pulled a little more "We will paleolithicize you" on the Pakistanis we would be better off today!
I am actually looking forward to how HC will spin all of this. Any bets on what he'll say?
Sean, I don't know why you're so obsessed with what I'll say or not say, but I've never engaged in spin on this forum. Not ever. I've completely meant what I said.
Now, the track record over the last three years since you stated obsessing about Bush is clear,
you are the one who has repeatedly turned out to be wrong in the things you
knew to be true. The things you claimed
everyone knew was true.
Shall we recap:
You claimed as sure things (that I can recall off the top of my head):
Karl Rove was behind the SwiftVets.
The SwiftVets claimed that Kerry had shot himself intentionally.
That Bush had lied about Iraq seeking uranium in Niger.
That Bush had lied about having reason to believe there were connections between Iraq and al Queda.
That Bush and Rove (or someone close to them) had committed treason by 'outing' Valerie Plame to silence Joe Wilson for 'telling the truth', even though he was in fact lying.
That Hurricane Katrina was an example of Bush's singular incompetence (quoting Sidney Blumenthal (a known liar and partisan hit-man) for support(!) immediately after emergence of the disaster)
That's a handful of the things you
knew to be true that were either clearly at the time or later shown to be nonsense or falsehoods. Some of which I pointed out, at the time and with corroborating evidence, which led you to shriek that I was 'insulting your intelligence' and to resort to name-calling. You've used
ad hominem attacks over and over whenever confronted with inconvenient facts that conflict with your irrational hatred of Bush, I've refrained from descending to that level in response.
Well, sorry, but as it stands I'm not the one with a credibility problem, you are.