Ah, thank you, Brian. That helps considerably. You left out the part about magnetism though, assuming that you agree with it. That is really the "kewl" aspect.Originally Posted by Brian Rush
Ah, thank you, Brian. That helps considerably. You left out the part about magnetism though, assuming that you agree with it. That is really the "kewl" aspect.Originally Posted by Brian Rush
I am a Venus in Taurus myself... sounds about rightOriginally Posted by Brian Rush
Venus in Scorpio is much more ethereal. It tends to see beauty in the spirit of a person more than in the body. It can be ascetic, or sometimes sado-masochistic.
"Slut" or "nympho" is about as far removed from its meaning as you can get. While people with this placement may well be strongly sexed, they tend to be quite discriminating in their choice of partners, and may go for very long periods without sex, just as they may go for long periods without indulging in other pleasures. It is not at all uncommon for a person with this placement to be deliberately celibate.
I hope this helps some. Eric knows more about astrology than I do, but I'm confident in the above.
Eric still has not blessed us with his expertise here, but I had an idea on this boring Sunday night about how to interpret this stuff.
Vince, I think you really need to take the CafeAstrology one as well to begin to even out the rough edges in the results. I cite that one specifically because it is the only other one which seems to come close to matching another (Astrologymatch) in results. In any case, your consistent high rankers (perhaps there are 4 or 5 of them?) ought to appear somewhere among the top 6 of the results below (hopefully anyway). Analysis:
Air, FixedOriginally Posted by Vince Lamb '59
Earth, Mutable#2 Virgo (That's me!)
Earth, Fixed#3 Taurus
Fire, Cardinal#4 Aries
Earth, Cardinal#5 Capricorn
Fire, Mutable#6 Sagittarius (my ex :P )
Fire, Fixed#7 Leo
Air, Cardinal#8 Libra
Water, Fixed#9 Scorpio
Water, Cardinal#10 Cancer
Air, Mutable#11 Gemini
Water, Mutable#12 Pisces
Dude, even though we do not have benefit of the CafeAstrology results, there is a strong suggestion that you favor Earth signs, seeing as 3 of your top 5 above are Earth signs. If anything, you are least attracted to Water signs since 3 of your bottom 4 are Water signs. If we can trust this ordering, and I am not sure we can absent the other test results, then you would appear to favor the Elements in the following order:
Now what about the other aspect (I don't know the name)? If anything, you prefer Fixed signs. Cardinal and Mutable seem indeterminant with regard to second and third place.
If this analysis means anything at all (and only Eric can tell us if it does), then your ideal match would be the Fixed Earth sign, and this is:
It would be interesting to see whether the other test (CafeAstrology) spits out Taurus for you.
Eric, would you care to comment?
I'm going to try mine:
This test clearly suggests the following order of Elements:Originally Posted by Seadog '66
I won't even venture a guess as to the order of the other aspect.
Next test:
Order of Elements:http://selectsmart.com/FREE/select.p...=CafeAstrology
#1 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Cancer = Water, Cardinal
#2 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Taurus = Earth, Fixed
#3 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Pisces = Water, Mutable
#4 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Scorpio = Water, Fixed
#5 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Virgo = Earth, Mutable
#6 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Leo = Fire, Fixed
#7 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Libra = Air, Cardinal
#8 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Capricorn = Earth, Cardinal
#9 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Aquarius = Air, Fixed
#10 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Aries = Fire, Cardinal
#11 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Gemini = Air, Mutable
#12 Sun, Venus, or Mars in Sagittarius = Fire, Mutable
It is unclear which of Fire and Air occupies third place and fourth place but it probably suffices to cite the first test as clarifier. If so, then final order:
I won't even try to order that other aspect.
Here are the consistent top scorers:
Cancer = Water, Cardinal
Pisces = Water, Mutable
Taurus = Earth, Fixed
Scorpio = Water, Fixed
Virgo = Earth, Mutable
Does this suggest that Mutable and Fixed rank above Cardinal? Beats the hell out of me. If Capricorn should be reliably placed next on the list (and this could be the case), then we have two of each and nothing is clear with regard to this aspect. Eric?
Let's alleviate the boredom, Kiff:
Well, it sure looks like Kiff digs Fire last! But it is as unclear as possible how she ranks her top three Elements! On the other hand, we finally have some clarity as to the other aspect with Kiff. She certainly seems to favor Cardinal signs last. I won't venture to guess whether she prefers Fixed or Mutable on the basis of this test alone.Originally Posted by Kiff '61
That has to be one of the classiest pick-up lines I've ever seen! :lol: :lol:Originally Posted by Seadog '66
Stone, it's been 25 years since I last looked at all this stuff. :lol:Well, it sure looks like Kiff digs Fire last! But it is as unclear as possible how she ranks her top three Elements! On the other hand, we finally have some clarity as to the other aspect with Kiff. She certainly seems to favor Cardinal signs last. I won't venture to guess whether she prefers Fixed or Mutable on the basis of this test alone.Originally Posted by Kiff '61
I do have a chart that my cousin did for me way back then. I suppose I could dig it out and see where my Venus is. :wink:
Originally Posted by Kiff '61
We ought to let Eric tell you where your Venus is without having benefit of your birth info, just so we can test the validity of this stuff. Hehehe.
Still no sign of Eric on this, HIS thread. Oh well. We continually give him opportunities on this thread to showcase his talents but it is possible that the ongoing Rush/Meece dialogues consume his every waking moment.
Nature Spirit, I'll take on this one as we await Meece's Second Coming:
Actually, this is not true. As that man of incomparable wisdom Inspector Harry Callahan once said, "A man must know his limitations." I know mine and my limitations are in no way unique. Indeed most members of the male sex share the same inability to comprehend certain aspects of the female mind.Originally Posted by A Nature Spirit
Queen Bee rules are a prime example of the insoluble mystery inherent in the female of the species. Someone referenced Queen Bee rules on the board within the past week so I know they have been discussed here. But I even find it difficult to restate here for your benefit what they are with any degree of cogency. In the clearest example, they are the rules which govern who a teenage girl in a high school clique can and cannot talk to and who she can and cannot be seen with. These rules are set by the Alpha female in the clique (the Queen Bee) and they change on a day to day basis. These rules are not established according to standard rules of logic or any other form of logic comprehensible to the male mind. Yet they are understood instantly, intuitively by most females. No amount of study on the part of a male can lead to true mastery, so Queen Bee rules are not at all like a foreign language. Indeed they might as well come from another planet: Plan 9 From Outer Space.
A man must know his limitations. That is, he must accept that there are things in this world which he can never master or understand. I share the same bewilderment with the mysteries of the female mind as do most males and I accept that understanding these mysteries will forever remain beyond my grasp. But this natural, pre-ordained handicap need not hamper effective communication between the sexes. The key is to strive to communicate with each other in terms which both of you can understand.
According to the testimony of a long line of women, I have a rare ability at communicating clearly my wants, needs, and desires to the right woman and in clearly ascertaining her wants, needs, and desires as well. So no, like most males, I do not understand the mysteries of the female mind. But possibly unlike a lot of males, I do not have any particularly noteworthy communication problems with women. :wink:
No problem with the "degradation" of horny men but surely there is a more creative term than "man-slut."I think the term "man-slut" is a good one. Let's degrade horny MEN for a change!![]()
Very funny! Although Neisha's article on Queen Bee rules dealt specifically with high school girls, certainly the incomprehensible (to a man) mentality behind them persists into adulthood. However the attributes which manifest become less and less extreme with maturity. A gulf remains between men and women but it becomes narrower and narrower.Originally Posted by A Nature Spirit
Some members of the female sex don't understand these aspects, either.Originally Posted by Seadog '66
You are a diamond in the rough, Seadog. :wink:According to the testimony of a long line of women, I have a rare ability at communicating clearly my wants, needs, and desires to the right woman and in clearly ascertaining her wants, needs, and desires as well. So no, like most males, I do not understand the mysteries of the female mind. But possibly unlike a lot of males, I do not have any particularly noteworthy communication problems with women. :wink:
Damn right I am! :lol: :lol: :wink:Originally Posted by Kiff '61
While I can't claim perfect understanding of the mind of any female on the planet, I can claim that my bafflement by women is no more (or less) than my bafflement by members of my own sex.Indeed most members of the male sex share the same inability to comprehend certain aspects of the female mind.
H. sapiens is not a completely rational species. Every individual is a riddle, and groups of individuals likewise. I can only speak for myself, but for me, it isn't women who are incomprehensible.
It's people.
This has absolutely nothing to do with astrology, but it does have to do with cliques which were just mentioned here:
(Standard disclaimers)
Social Climbers From Heck
by Bob Wallace
Maybe everything I needed to know I did learn in kindergarten, but if I did I don't remember much of it. About the only two things I remember are being smacked with a stick by Miss Warthog (she of the thick ankles and man hands) for whispering to a classmate instead of taking a nap, and also chucking a wooden block across the room and bloodying a kid's forehead. Years later he became a cop ? with whom I've had (non-criminal) dealings ? but he doesn't remember me, even from high school, which I think is all to the good. At least, he says he doesn't remember me.
On the other hand, I remember a lot from high school. None of it, however, was from any class I took, but instead was from observing the antics of the students in the Festering Pit that I existed in from 10th to 12th grade.
One of the first things I noticed is that most of the students joined cliques. The main ones in my school were the Social Climbers, the Jocks, the Freaks, the Brains, and the Greasers.
Social Climbers and Jocks are still called by those names even today. The Freaks were originally known as Hippies, and before that, for all I know, Beatniks, like Maynard G. Krebs on the old Dobie Gillis TV show. What they're called today I have no idea, although I always smile when I see guys today wearing Maynardesque goatees and berets.
The Brains I do know are now generally referred to as Nerds. Such is the respect that high schools have for intellectual achievement. For that matter, most of the country, I suppose. Of course, I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, The Revenge of the Nerds, since according to tests I've taken, I'm approximately one-third Nerd. The other two- thirds, I suspect, is chocolate Yoo Hoo and cheeseburgers.
The Greasers, at least in my hometown, are now known as Hoosiers, which while not an insult in some areas of the country, certainly is in others. The Hoosiers were upper-class White Trash, with the main difference being the White Trash ended up in prison for varying lengths of times, while the Hoosiers ended up pregnant and married at 18, and living in a trailer, one usually equipped with an aquarium and a pick-up truck.
Often, these cliques overlapped, like the Venn diagrams I learned about in college logic. Bill Clinton, for example, is a White Trash Social Climber. One who obviously should be in prison, probably for life. His hideous gruemonster of a wife is a Social Climbing Brain, which actually makes her more dangerous for the country than Willie. Personally, I believe she should be forced to always appear in public without make-up, which would put an instant end to her political career, and would probably cause her to evaporate like a vampire in the sunlight.
All politicians are Social Climbers, usually Drunken, often Adulterous, and always Lying, Thieving and Conniving. Someone like Bill Bennett is a Drunken Jock Social Climber and a wannabe Brain. Dubya, I believe, is in many ways like Bennett, except he is an ex-drunk and a never-was-a-Brain, even a Wannabe.
Most, if not all, of the neocons appear to be Social Climbing Brains. Scarily, all the people I've listed have in common the fact they are Social Climbers. This appears to be an inherent trait in politicians, like avoiding military service and then later starting wars.
So what? you may ask. Okay, listen up and I will tell you why it is so horrible. The worst Social Climber in all of history is Satan himself! Now the So what? turns to Arrgh!, doesn't it? It's enough to make you put your hands over your eyes, right? And if you had an extra two hands, you'd put then over your ears, huh?
Satan wanted to climb right to the top and be God. Isn't that what every Social Climber wants to do? Get to the top and have everyone look at them? To be god-like? To rule over people because they believe they are better ? smarter and more moral ? than everyone else?
It is not surprising to me, at all, that Social Climbing is disapproved of in the Bible. Jesus sneered at the politicians and pseudo-intellectuals of his time as "sons of Satan" (see? Satan!) and tombs full of awful things, and hypocrites who stole from widows and orphans.
Here are some quotes from Matthew:
"...don't sound a trumpet before yourself, as the hypocrites do in...the streets, that they may get glory from men.
"...you shall not be as the hypocrites, for they love to stand and pray in...the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men.
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites. For you devour widow's houses, and as a pretense you make long prayers.
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within [you] are full of extortion and unrighteousness.
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitened tombs, which outwardly appear beautiful, but inwardly are full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity."
That should be enough to make my point. I'll have to admit, I just love these kinds of comments. I especially like that last one: "Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inwardly you are full of hypocrisy and iniquity." Maybe David Frumm should pay attention to that one before he makes more scurrilous comments about his Greek betters.
I also like, "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravening wolves." ("Yes, yes, we're going to conquer a big chunk of the world and bring peace and democracy to them. We can predict the future. Really, we can.")
Human nature doesn't change. What Jesus said is just as true now as then. He may have used words like "scribes" and "Pharisees" but they were the politicians and "intellectuals" of his time. They are the same kinds of people who today are just as sleazy now as in the past. The scribes and Pharisees are now politicians, Establishment eggheads, lawyers, leftist intellectuals and neocon theoreticians. And "praying in the streets" these days means "being on TV."
If the satanic Social Climbers are the Bad Guys, then who are the Good Guys? In high school, it was the small group that consisted of the overlap of Brains and Freaks. It was the group (smirk) to which I belonged.
This group was the science-fiction reading, computer-programming, Coke-drinking and Ding-Dong-eating, week-end partiers. They were the anarchists (and anarchist sympathizers) who created the computer revolution and later became libertarians. They've had more effect on society than most people realize. Bill Gates used to be one of these people, although the Superfly glasses he wore as a teenager was a tip off that something would go wrong with him later.
On one hand we've got the Social Climbing politicians who've started wars and spread destruction, and on the other...people who've created things and generally wanted to leave others alone, and be left alone themselves. One group, the Destroyers; the other, the Creators. That sentence describes the difference between politics and the free market, between force and persuasion. Let's use another quote from Matthew: "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children of God." It's liberty and the free market that creates peace and is blessed...not politics, not politicians.
A little while ago there was a tiresome argument, "What would Jesus drive?" Personally, I don't care, although I suspect it would be an '87 Chevy Caprice station wagon, since he'd have to haul around all that wine, bread and fish. He could even stand on top of it while he healed people, instead of having to stand in a boat. Instead, what I've always wondered is, "What would he be in high school?"
Well, let's look at what's in the Bible. He drank wine and went to parties (was there singing and dancing there?). He didn't hang out with the "elites" ? he hung out with the outcasts and scapegoats. He was criticized for what he did ? "The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Behold, a gluttonous man and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!"
He was a visionary. He believed in intellectual achievement (after all, he defeated all his opponents in arguments). He despised politicians and pompous pseudo-intellectuals.
Now what groups do you think he would have belonged to in high school?
June 6, 2003
Seadog, you are the only poster here who can make me laugh and think deeply at the same time.Originally Posted by Seadog '66
It's true what's said here about most politicians. They are all Social Climbers (with the possible exception of Jimmy Carter), and most are Pharisees and false prophets (like Dubya who claims to be Christian while displaying values that are, if anything, the antithesis of Christlike behavior).
Wolves in sheep's clothing? Clinton may be one. I don't know. But Bush looks like a wolf to me, and always has. His sheep's clothing must be getting pretty threadbare, if he ever wore any at all.
I like Seadog (aren't I his best buddy on the site? 8) ) but that doesn't stop me from thinking of him as "Horndog 69"! :wink:Originally Posted by A Nature Spirit
"Dans cette epoque cybernetique
Pleine de gents informatique."
I don't think I've made this recommendation before, but it is fundamental; so here goes:
The authors are right that generations and turning theory is not based on astrology-- in the sense of timing. Their dates for turnings and generations are not based on where the planets are, although we astrology fans can see some correlations.
However, in fact, the theoretical basis of T4T and astrology is the same. The best book in which to see this is Dane Rudhyar's book The Pulse of Life. I recommend this to all fans of Generations and The Fourth Turning. Read that book and you'll not only get new insight into the theory, but you'll realize that turnings theory and the zodiac are the same thing!. Rudhyar was a French/American philosopher, occultist, psychologist, futurist, and composer who lived from 1895 to about 1987.
Rudhyar in The Pulse of Life interprets the zodiac as a dynamic seasonal process. The primary thesis is that the zodiac oscillates between what he calls the day force and the night force, which he equates with the principles of Christos and Caesar. It doesn't take much to see that this is the same oscillation that occurs between Crisis and Awakening, and between Civics/Heroes and Idealists/Prophets.
The Christos according to Rudhyar is a spiritualizing, individualizing force that is born at Christmas time and reaches its expression at the Summer Solstice in the sign Cancer, while the Caesar is born at that time and only reaches expression at the Winter Solstice in the sign Capricorn. Christos represents the awakened individual, while Caesar represents the all-powerful state. Aries and Libra represent times when the forces are equal, but the momentum is toward individualization (Aries, Spring), or socialization (Libra, Fall).
These are the same processes going on in turnings and between generations. Just as in the actual seasons of the year, where the Summer Solstice is only the beginning of Summer, because of the momentum of the past seasons, the same thing is observable in turnings, where individualism predominates through Summer and into the Fall. Physically, this is because in June the oceans are still too cold to bring on the full heat of Summer, whereas in December the oceans are still too hot for the full effects of Winter. It takes a few months for the momentum of the Sun's effects to play itself out.
The process is also the same as kundalini yoga and alchemy, in which one awakens the kundalini force of spirit through the 7 chakras from the base or lead chakra, ruled by Saturn and the signs Capricorn/Aquarius, up to the third eye and crown, represented by silver and gold, and the Sun and Moon, and the signs Cancer and Leo; and then back down to the base, bringing spiritual energy into the body. This process corresponds to Rudhyar's interpretation of the zodiac, and to turnings theory, but is not described in those books. Astronomy/astrology, the seasons, the generations, and the spiritual energy of the body, all correspond. As above, so below.
I have also noted in the past that Cancer and Leo are the ruling signs of Prophets, Capricorn/Aquarius of Heroes, Aries/Taurus of Nomads, and Libra/Scorpio of Artists. Prophets are water/fire, Nomads fire/earth, Heroes earth/air, and Artists air/water, the elements thus proceeding in astrological order.
Many people at this site are more involved in science than in mythology, Jungian psychology and the occult. Scientific work is a good means to verify if a theory works or not. But turnings theory is not based on science alone, but on mythology and archetypal ideas, and then is worked out, verified and modified through research. People who really wish to understand turnings theory, therefore, should also check out such writings as Rudhyar's. The Pulse of Life was originally published in 1943 by McKay, and reissued by Shambhala Books in Berkeley in 1970. Rudhyar's books are still available in New Age/Metaphysical book stores and in such sections of major chains. The Pulse of Life is one of his most popular and well-known books.
E. A. Meece, don't you find it just a bit ironic that you're espousing astrology on the Internet, the epitome of high technology?
I've seen you post on this site since the beginning, and I've always wanted to ask you what the hell you were talking about. I must admit I've thought of you as a crackpot.
But . . . you have been very persistant even in the face of resistance -- I believe I remember Strauss chastizing you once in a thread and telling you to not bring astrology into it -- and though I think you stayed respectfully quiet on things astrological for a time (as I can recall), you did not turn away from discussing issues here. I respect that.
Moreover, since you resumed discussing astrology here some time back you have not dwelt on it exclusively, and I appreciate that. And I might add that your contributions have been very interesting --considerably left-wing, which can give me indigestion sometimes, but interesting and thoughtful.
Though I am very, very, very sceptical of astrology, you have perked some interest in me regarding this Pulse of Live book. I will keep an eye out for it at East-West Bookshop in Mountain View. Incidentally, I've seen you advertise there before and understand you have spoken at San Jose State University.
If you're interested, I wouldn't mind getting together and discussing Strauss & Howe stuff at some point, if you're still in the Bay Area. Heck, if you know of anyone else around here similarly inclined toward Fourth Turning esoterica please let me know.
Take care, and thanks for the post.
Americans have had enough of glitz and roar . . Foreboding has deepened, and spiritual currents have darkened . . .
See T4T, p. 253.
Eric, what implications does Mars proximity to earth have astrologically?
I want people to know that peace is possible even in this stupid day and age. Prem Rawat, June 8, 2008
Nader's entrance into the presidential race again this year was the occasion for Michael Beschloss to discuss the impact of third parties on American politics; about how they forced the major parties to consider new ideas. Nader hopes to focus attention of the Democrats on opening up the corrupt and corporate dominated system to the peoples' concerns.
It was interesting that he didn't mention the most significant third party of them all, in its impact on American society and politics, and that was the populists. It was they who proposed most of the reforms that were adopted by the Democrats from 1896 onward, and which were the foundation of our society in which most people have a chance for prosperity and success. It was the start of what Eric Goldman called the half-century of revolution. It is this very society which now the Reagan-Bush-Gingrich counter-revolution is destroying.
But what it prompted me to reflect on is how so often the most influential events and trends were started during the great astrological conjunctions of the outer three planets, the planets of the saeculum. And at the same time, most people who inquire into history, like Michael Beschloss, might not suspect this fact because these events are often less well-known or trumpeted by historians. When I mention some of these correlations, people might say so what? that doesn't sound too significant! And yet, so many times such events as the emergence of the Populist Party really are the key events in history, and they correspond quite closely to the astrological conjunctions.
In 1892, Neptune aligned with Pluto exactly. It was within orb of conjunction, meaning close enough to be in effect, for about 12 years. That year the Populist Party was launched and held its convention, which proposed most of the social reforms later adopted in the following 50 years. The very week of the conjunction, the Duryea Brothers built the first American car. The automobile had been invented in Europe at the beginning of the conjunction in 1885-86; also the time of the start of the 2nd turning in America with the Haymarket Square riots and the labor movement. Just about every invention and trend which made our society what it is today was made in the years of the conjunction, from mass media to skyscrapers and electronic systems. It truly was the most epoch-making era in our history, and yet noone thinks of 1892 as a very historic year!
Go back 1000 years, and almost noone remembers the founding of the House of Cluny in 910. And yet, from that event, virtually the whole of medieval society in Europe springs. From Cluny the network of churches was organized that ruled the Middle Ages, and the architectural style was propagated which made the great cathedrals, the centerpiece and stage of Medieval culture. Also, in 911, the House of Normandy was founded, which also contributed to the architecture of the era and went on to rule England. And Henry Fowler founded the dynasty that built Germany that year, and Hugh Capet founded the dynasty that built France. And yet, how many people think of 910 as the most historic year of the Middle Ages? Even fewer people, perhaps only those who have read and understood my book, know that this year was close to the time of the Neptune-Pluto conjunction of circa 907.
Sometimes, the importance of such a year is more well-known. Kenneth Clark remarked that there was no better example of how a burst of civilization depends on confidence, than the Renaissance. But in 1400, the Florentines were confident. Less well-known is the fact that the Renaissance was inaugurated by a contest to design the doors of Florence Cathedral, which happened in the year 1400. The winning artist, Ghiberti, was one of the founders of the Renaissance art style. Just one or two years before, the Neptune-Pluto conjunction had happened. Eventually the Renaissance reshaped our world view and our destiny through the voyages of the explorers.
The official year of the "Fall of Rome" was 476 AD, but most historians agree that the real turning point came in 410, when Alaric the Visigoth reached Rome and sacked the city. This inspired Augustine to write the City of God, the basis for Catholic theology (which Seadog now says was a corruption of the original Orthodox heritage). The Neptune-Pluto conjunction had happened in 411. People remember Julius Caesar, but fewer people know that it was Sulla in 82 BC that did the most to create the Roman imperial system; nor that this was within a few years of the Neptune-Pluto conjunction. Nor that the 7 wise men who virtually began Western science, art and politics in Greece were alive during the great triple conjunction of Uranus-Neptune-Pluto in the 570s BC. This "axis age" defining moment was the time when most of the sages were born or alive who started or shaped all of our philosophy and religion in East and West.
You look a little deeper, and you can see some patterns that show that history and destiny are woven together with seemingly random events that might not seem too significant. But sometimes, when the timing is right, tremendous flowers grow from small seeds. So it was too with the Uranus-Pluto conjunctions of revolution. Most people don't know that the women's rights movement in this country was virtually launched by Elizabeth Cady Stanton when she convened a great convention in Seneca Falls New York in 1848; nor do most Americans know that a series of revolutions that year swept through most European capitals and reshaped European society; nor that Karl Marx that year wrote the book upon which the Communist revolutions were based. Even fewer people know that Uranus and Pluto were in conjunction that year; just two years before its exact year in 1850. Nor do they realize that the civil war almost began this year; and that the European wars of national unification also almost began that year; nor that a huge upheavel was simultaneously shaking China that undermined the imperial system that had lasted over 2000 years. When people are asked what is the most historic year of the 19th century, how many people say 1848, or 1850? But that is the case.
Nor might people know that the Enlightenment was virtually launched when Voltaire, a bright new writer, was imprisoned in the Bastille around 1712; and by freemasonry which was begun at this time. Or that the forerunner of the steam engine and the iron-smelting process were created that year. But out of these trends came the American and French Revolutions and the Industrial Revolution, which remade our society worldwide. Yet how many people know that the most historic year of the 18th century was not 1776, or even 1789; but 1712? And how many people know that a Uranus-Pluto conjunction happened that year?
Most people today remember the great events of the 1960s. Yet few people realize that out of those events, a new revolution is reshaping the world. Nor might people think of 1966 or even 1968 as the most historic year of the 20th century; but perhaps someday more people will. It's in the "stars;" more specifically, a Uranus-Pluto conjunction! It was the movements for peace and ecology in America in the 1960s, that inspired the founding of the Green Party in the early 1970s. Which brings us back to Ralph Nader, doesn't it? The man who launched the consumer movement with his Unsafe at Any Speed, in 1966; year of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction; year when the counter-cultural Awakening was launched.
These thoughts this morning prompted me to muse a bit about Forrest Gump, which was on ABC last night.
Forrest Gump is a great movie, I think. I've seen it several times and I always enjoy it, even despite myself. It shows how a man can be successful and even shape history almost without knowing it, and in spite of himself, as if he were stumbling through things. It shows another kind of intelligence at work in his life and the world. Fictional to be sure, but what it conveys is the idea that we all have left our mark on history in ways we might not suspect, through this more subtle intelligence that links us to the cosmos. Little things happen that lead to big changes, if they happen at just the right time, and we are each a part of them.
The main message of the film seems to be at the heart of the lesson of our times, even as it depicts the major events of our times. The Awakening was about this, and so is astrology and MBTI. The theme song of the show (among so many great songs of the era we hear in the film), could be Bob Dylan's 60s revolution anthem Blowing in the Wind, which Forrest's girl Jenny sang in the film. Forrest walked down many roads, before he was called a man; even by his girl. But Forrest was able to go far in life, because he could "run like the wind blows." The movie starts with a feather blowing in the wind, landing inside Forrest's favorite book, and ends with it flowing out of the same book 30 years later when his son is reading it. Just before the ending, at Jenny's grave, Forrest decides that it is both destiny, and accident, that shapes our lives. Polarities represented by what his Mom told him, and what his Lieutenant Dan from Vietnam told him. You could also say, it is about not only our conscious intelligence that shapes events, faculties with which Forrest was poorly endowed, but also that subconscious intelligence which works beyond our control. To rediscover this faculty seems to be the message of so many of the prophets and therapists that have emerged since the 1960s; and of a few like Carl Jung even before then.
It reminds me of the J/P polarity in MBTI; J being the left-brained side that seeks conscious control, while P is the perceptive side which is open to random events. Or as Alan Watts called it, prickles and goo, or spotlight and floodlight awareness. I have thought that the movements of the 1960s, encapsulated now in the Green Party values and platform, is a great synthesis of the two movements that have shaped our times, the individualist democratic movement and the collectivist socialist movement. The Republican and Democratic Parties, the red and the blue, represent distorted or watered down versions of these two movements. Perhaps it is also a synthesis of J and P, with J as the side that seeks control (communist) and P the side that allows random laissez faire events to rule (individualist). The saeculum too is an oscillation between a more individualist and a more communitarian orientation.
There are hidden threads in life that weave and link us together with the world; although we can't often see them and might work below the level of what can be completely categorized, planned or understood consciously. There might even be twists and contradictions in these patterns. Yet there is a higher order that lurks within the seemingly random, and opposites that are reconciled, although remaining opposites. Thus Forrest Gump, a movie produced during a great conjunction (Uranus-Neptune in 1993), shows this message, which is the key lesson of our times.
Mrs. Brown you have a lovely daughter.Originally Posted by Eric the Green
I'm Henry the Eighth I am, I am.Go back 1000 years, and almost noone remembers[/b]
Henery the Eighth I am....
Negative. Augustine was a fine theologian and is deservedly a saint. He made mistakes as all of us do, even all saints. It is just that his mistakes came back with a vengeance once Western Christianity started really going downhill.The official year of the "Fall of Rome" was 476 AD, but most historians agree that the real turning point came in 410, when Alaric the Visigoth reached Rome and sacked the city. This inspired Augustine to write the City of God, the basis for Catholic theology (which Seadog now says was a corruption of the original Orthodox heritage).
Year of a killer Mustang.The man who launched the consumer movement with his Unsafe at Any Speed, in 1966; year of the Uranus-Pluto conjunction; year when the counter-cultural Awakening was launched.
Huh??? :lol: :lol: :lol:These thoughts this morning prompted me to muse a bit about Forrest Gump, which was on ABC last night.
"What went unforeseen, however, was that the elephant would at some point in the last years of the 20th century be possessed, in both body and spirit, by a coincident fusion of mutant ex-Liberals and holy-rolling Theocrats masquerading as conservatives in the tradition of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan: Death by transmogrification, beginning with The Invasion of the Party Snatchers."
-- Victor Gold, Aide to Barry Goldwater
God exists outside of time, and seemingly contradictory concepts such as Fate and Free Will actually coexist outside of time. We indeed have free will but it is also true that there are no coincidences. Every object in the cosmos has a purpose and every event has a meaning, even if we ourselves cannot see it.Originally Posted by Eric the Green
You asked elsewhere in what ways God constantly intervenes in the affairs of men. There are an infinite number of ways. But I have come to see that electricity is an important "medium" (a dubious term) for spiritual activity in general. And I have come to believe that God Himself often uses lightning specifically. In all likelihood, no elecrtrical storm is a random event. God has a reason for making them materialize when and where they do.
There is one answer to your question. Feel free to flesh out any relationship between electricity and spiritual activity.
"What went unforeseen, however, was that the elephant would at some point in the last years of the 20th century be possessed, in both body and spirit, by a coincident fusion of mutant ex-Liberals and holy-rolling Theocrats masquerading as conservatives in the tradition of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan: Death by transmogrification, beginning with The Invasion of the Party Snatchers."
-- Victor Gold, Aide to Barry Goldwater
Look on it in a symbolical rather than just a literal way. Uranus is the cosmic symbol of electricity. It came into consciousness simultaneously in 1781 with discoveries of electricity by Volta. Electricity is a sudden flash of lightning. On a thought level, that is the "ah-HAH" experience of awakening. God comes into history mostly through these experiences within us, and especially during second turnings. As Rev. Ike said, God answers prayers with ideas.Originally Posted by Seadog '66
In addition, more literally, the coming of electricity into a useable form in our society, corresponds exactly to the various revolutions that have proceeded in modern times, from the American and French Revolutions onward. Uranus was discovered in 1781, year America achieved victory in its war of independence. Electronics technology has changed our consciousness, as we have become a world of instant communication, giving us a global and ecumenical rather than parochial perspective and invalidating "absolute" ideas which really weren't. It is creating a world resonant with spiritual consciousness, with noospheric activity increasing.
Knowledge of electricity was also the direct catalyst for our revisioning of the universe in modern physics, which is leading us through rigorous examination of the physical back to the spiritual.
Speaking of storms and Forrest Gump, there was an episode in which Gump was praying over and over again at church to catch more shrimp on his boat. Just as his shipmate Lt. Dan asked, "where is this God you're praying to," Gump said, "God showed up" in the form of a hurricane that wiped out all the other ships except his own, after which he caught all the shrimp he wanted and became a millionaire!
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The fact that you have said nothing about this suggests to me that it is all BS.But it is damn entertaining BS! :lol:
Here is a page of links to three related articles:
"What went unforeseen, however, was that the elephant would at some point in the last years of the 20th century be possessed, in both body and spirit, by a coincident fusion of mutant ex-Liberals and holy-rolling Theocrats masquerading as conservatives in the tradition of Barry Goldwater and Ronald Reagan: Death by transmogrification, beginning with The Invasion of the Party Snatchers."
-- Victor Gold, Aide to Barry Goldwater